Learning How to Fully Relax

Relaxation doesn’t come easily to all of us. We live in a fast-paced society that often tells us we need to be doing something and being productive to feel any sense of self-worth. Sure, there are things that we all need to do daily. We need to earn money to provide for ourselves. We need to exercise to stay fit. We need to complete chores to maintain clean and tidy living environments. We need to meet with friends and family to foster strong bonds and create a supportive network for ourselves. But you also need to make sure that you schedule time in your calendar for a bit of relaxation and healing. Here are a few ways to learn to unwind and enjoy life without striving to rush for something new, exciting, and draining.

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Manage Your Work-Life Balance
Start by looking at your work-life balance. Many people don’t get time to relax because they work too much. You are constantly checking emails, responding to questions and queries, pushing to finish projects ahead of schedule, and much more. Instead, if you have set working hours, make sure to stick to them. Whatever is pressing you for your time can wait until you sign back in – nothing is so urgent that it can’t wait until your next shift, as few of us work in genuinely life or death roles. If you work for yourself, set yourself working hours. Make sure that you don’t exceed them in the same way.

Try Relaxing Products
People strive for relaxation, and it’s something that many of us struggle to reach without support. Where there’s demand, there’s always supply, so you’ll find plenty of products out there specially designed to support and promote relaxation. From soothing teas to CBDistillery products, there’s bound to be something out there that works for you. It may take a little time and experimentation, but you will ultimately find something that helps you let your hair down.

Practice Mindfulness or Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation have been around for centuries, but they’re becoming more prevalent in Western society lately. The practice of mindfulness allows you to let go of what is going on around you. Rather than focusing on it and trying to find solutions, you let each thought and worry pass without judgment. This is a great way to disconnect from the stresses and worries of day-to-day life for a while, allowing your mind to wander and float without as much pressure.

Spend Some Time in Nature
When was the last time you spent some time in nature? Many of us find that spending time outdoors helps us get away from daily worries and concerns. Whether that’s a walk through the woods, sitting near the sea and hearing the waves lap the shore, or any other type of environment that is near to you. Find a spot that particularly appeals to you, and head there whenever you need some space and rest.

Different people relax differently, but hopefully, at least one of the above options will help you!

Tips For Helping Your Mental Health

There has never been such an emphasis as now on our mental health. With many celebrities speaking about it and things like social media giving everyone a voice, it is no longer the taboo it was once perceived as. Because of this, more of us than ever are seeking help when it’s needed and working to better the way we feel about things in our life. There isn’t a real reason we might feel anxious or worried, but it can have a tangible impact on our lives, so it’s vital to get it nipped in the bud before it gets any worse. If you are suffering with your mental health, it’s essential to realize that you are not on your own and many people also feel the same way. If you are currently feeling down or worried, we have put together some top tips that should help you with your mental health and have you feeling back to normal, hopefully soon.

Monitor how you use social media and how it makes you feel
We live in a time when social media is used by almost everyone. Whether you are someone who loves to post on things such as Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, or if you just like to scroll through and see what everyone else is up to, the choice is yours. Yet it is crucial to see how social media makes you feel. Do you come off of it feeling happier? Or do you find that you constantly compare yourself to everyone, making you feel sad or worried that you’re not good enough? Consider how it makes you feel and ensure you stay safe on social media. You don’t know what harmful content can be, so social media safety is paramount.

Have a healthy diet
Your diet can play a big part in how you feel, which is why it’s vital you treat your body well. Try to eat plenty of nutritious fruit and veg and drink enough water. This depressant can stimulate anxiety if you go out and drink a lot. Instead, why not switch to alcohol-free drinks at a party? This way, you still feel like you’re drinking something nice, but it doesn’t give you the same comedown as a hangover the next day. With this diet change, you should also ensure you get plenty of exercise; whether down the gym or a local class, find something you enjoy. This will release endorphins and help you to feel happier.

Speak to someone
Keeping it all bottled up is one of the worst things you can do, no matter how small and trivial your problem might seem. To combat this, speak to someone such as a friend or family member. If you find they aren’t able to help, it could be worth talking to a therapist or specialist who will be able to share special techniques to help you cope with your anxiety. Remember that keeping it bottled up will only make your thoughts escalate, so let it out. You could also try journaling as an outlet for yourself.

Take time to look after yourself.
When you are feeling anxious, you need to take care of yourself. Think of things you can do that you love and that make you feel happy and relaxed. This might be going for a spa day, reading a book with a cup of tea, or going for a long walk. It doesn’t need to be anything overly exciting or expensive. The important part is that you are taking time out to help yourself. Why not set aside one day a week that is just for you? This could be an hour or a whole day. Just make sure to take care of yourself.

These are a few things you can do to help your mental health. While your physical health is essential, it’s vital that the way you feel psychologically is, too, so don’t just brush it under the carpet. If you do this, it could escalate, and you may feel worse. You can do myriad things to aid your mental health, and whether you try one of the above tips, all of them, or something completely different, it’s just important you find something that works for you. Do you suffer with your mental health? If so, what do you do to help? Let us know in the comments below!

Ready To Fall Back In Love With Exercise? Check Out These Innovative Ideas

Exercise is absolutely essential for good health, so it’s vital that you can take the time to exercise for at least 1 hour a day. Unfortunately, many people have a negative relationship with exercise, which can trigger a couch-potato lifestyle of low energy and little movement, with that 1-hour exercise goal thrown totally out of the window. Thankfully there are many different options you can explore when it comes to improving your relationship with exercise, and this guide contains some of the best ideas you can utilize today to fall back in love with working out in no time at all. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to learn more!

Image Source – Pexels 

Find A Workout Buddy 
One of the best options you can explore to build a better relationship with exercise is finding yourself a workout buddy who can tag along when you get active. A workout buddy can be an effective way to stay on track, as they will help by holding you accountable! Having a friend or family member with you when you exercise can also aid in making your workout session more fun and enjoyable, as you’ll be able to have a laugh and joke with each other while you’re burning up a sweat. You might even forget that you’re working out simply because you enjoy spending time with your exercise buddy, so it’s an option to explore. 

Get A Personal Trainer 
A personal trainer is a qualified expert with the proper knowledge and experience to help you meet your fitness goals. A PT is generally a professional in all things sports and exercise related, and they have a brilliantly convincing attitude that can help keep you motivated and inspired to say the least. A personal trainer can make sure you’re maintaining the correct position or form, too, reducing the likelihood that you can hurt yourself while you are working out. You might need to make a bit of trial and error to find the right personal trainer for you, as each person will have their own individual approach that you will likely either love or hate. 

Find A Suitable Gym
Do you feel intimidated by all of the muscle-men posing in the mirror by the free weights? Then perhaps a ladies-only gym is the perfect option to help you come out of your shell. Are you bored of the same old exercise routines that offer nothing new? Then why not try somewhere like HOTWORX, which offers new-age heat and infrared workouts? Finding a suitable gym is a massive part of the battle, as it can influence your opinion on exercise more than you might expect. Check out what fitness centers are available in your local area, and see if you can get free visitors to pass to try out the facilities. 

Falling back in love with exercise has never been so simple! 

LIFEMARK (Giveaway Winner Announcement!)

Hello, Wonderful People

With the recent Supreme Court decision that affected the legality of abortion in the United States, adoption has become one of the most talked about topics of the year. Talking about adoption has long been taboo, but it is now becoming more acceptable, and its stigma is slowly being removed.

I remember a time when many people did not know they were adopted or who their birth parents were until later in life. It usually was a big secret not openly shared amongst others. People did not talk about giving up a child because there was a shame associated with being young, unwed, and pregnant, or unable to take care of a child. Efforts to find birth parents proved difficult or impossible because the connection with them was lost, many birth parents did not want to be found out, or proper records were not kept.

But today, the situation has changed for the better. I believe people are no longer shamed into hiding if they happen upon a situation where they are not able to care for a child, and adoption offers a better solution. People learn early in life they were adopted, and contact with birth parents is often kept. If contact with the birth parents is not maintained, people can more easily find them with the help of government agencies and other resources, including DNA test sites.

The new movie Lifemark touches on adoption eloquently and beautifully. Based on a true story, David discovers that his birth mother wants to connect with him after eighteen years. He wonders whether he should pursue this new relationship and what that would mean. David’s adoptive parents allow him to make his own decisions and support him through every step. This adventure takes David into relationships that he never knew he had.

Due to its overwhelming success, Lifemark is making an extended run in theaters through September 25th and possibly adding more dates. “We are thankful this story of celebrating adoption was welcomed with open arms nationwide,” said Executive Producer and actor Kirk Cameron. “Despite the odds against a faith release such as this one, we appreciate this audience, who once again demonstrated their desire to see wholesome family entertainment.” Lifemark brought in $2.9 million in the first week in theaters.

Click here to find a theater in your area showing Lifemark.

Giveaway Winner Announcement
In conjunction with the opening of Lifemark in theaters, we recently offered a giveaway for our readers. I am pleased to announce that the winner is

~~Desiree K ~~

Congratulations, Desiree! Yeah! You have won a $10 Amazon gift card. We will be in contact with you about getting your prize!

Stay Tuned for our next giveaway!

23 Keys To Have A Successful Marriage (Part 1)

Hello Beautiful People,

Today my wife and I are celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary.

It seems like only yesterday when many twists of fate brought us to work at the same organization in 1996. We met when her division moved into the same building I worked in. Our paths soon crossed. We learned that even though we came from different backgrounds, it was God’s plan to bring us together. I grew up in a small rural town in central Missouri, while she is a big-city girl. We would talk into the early morning hours and realize that we shared many similar interests and beliefs. Our friendship grew strong, and love blossomed.

We married on September 11, 1999.

J and T in Assisi

We are often asked what the keys to a successful marriage are. You do not need formal training to be a marriage counselor or expert. You just need to be willing to seek God’s wisdom as the guide for your marriage.

I wanted to share 23 things we have learned through the years that have made our marriage strong and a pleasure to be a part of. I will share them in a four-part series, starting with this post.

1) Pray First
Not a day goes by when we do not pray for each other and our marriage. This is by far the most important factor that I would tell anyone. We would not be where we are without thanking God for our spouse and His blessings, asking Him to strengthen our marriage, and seeking His wisdom in making decisions. We pray whether we are at home preparing for a day at work or if we are on vacation. It doesn’t matter. We always pray, every day.

2) Communicate Often
A successful marriage cannot happen if we are not talking. Talking is the only way that we will get to know each other. The more that we alk, the closer I get to her soul. I find out what her needs are and what her dreams are. I learn about things in her past that have shaped her current behaviors and beliefs. The longer we are married, the more important it is to continue the conversations. Life happens, dreams change, and a whole new set of circumstances must be discussed. Talking never stops.

3) Best Friends
We found out early in our relationship, before we were married, that we listened to many of the same types of music, watched the same television show genres, and shared many political and moral beliefs. Spending time together was not a chore but a treat because we enjoyed the same leisure activities, like hiking, shopping, and road tripping. We are best friends in every sense of the word and focus on keeping that in focus.

4) Never Go To Bed Angry
In the almost 25 years we have known each other, there have been times when we have not agreed or may have been angry with each other about a specific situation. We have made a point that we work out the situation before going to bed. I want to know what is causing that disagreement and what can be done to fix the situation. A healthy marriage cannot allow strife to linger around.

5) Say I LOVE YOU Often
I LOVE YOU is a simple phrase we often say to each other. Whether we are talking on the phone, leaving off to work, or going to bed at night, I LOVE YOU is always a part of the conversation. I don’t want her to assume anything. I want her to know. It has become a regular part of our conversation. It seems a bit odd if I don’t do it. If I forget, I make sure I do the next opportunity I get.

6) Quiet Hugs
There is something special about a hug that can bring us closer together when life’s situations get in the way. A hug can relieve a stressful situation or lessen the burdens of a bad situation. Many times no words are spoken, just a quiet hug, holding each other close and squeezing each other tight. And it is not just a short hug, but one that can last for several minutes. The closeness is broken only by an encouraging word with a kiss and then another hug, followed by an I LOVE YOU.

More keys will follow in more posts that will be written this week. We are celebrating our anniversary all month long.