Back To School Giveaway!

Greetings, Elegant and Graceful Ones

 I sit here recuperating from COVID. I know some friends say they can’t wait until their kids start school; I have had some colleagues who have moved their kids into university and were surprised how they didn’t know how emotional it would be. In whatever stage you are in with your kid(s), I remember it was all in the schedule and what was needed for the semester.  I remember my mother and grandmother taking me to the store to get school supplies on sale and that Trapperkeeper. Oh, and I couldn’t forget picking out a cool new backpack and going to JCPenney or Sears to pick up a few new outfits. I’m an only child, so it doesn’t take much for me to get excited. I was a nerd then, and I’m a nerd now, so I didn’t have many friends, and I also grew up in a strict household.  Anticipating new books, I would learn new subjects, and writing in my new bright-colored notebooks was so neat. Going shopping with my mother, dad, and grandmother are memories I will never forget because I know they were looking out for me and wanting me to have everything I needed when I started school.

So it’s a Back To School Giveaway that you have a chance to enter!

What’s your favorite memory?

back to school giveaway


back to school giveaway hostesses

Please remember to subscribe and follow all of the hostesses so you can earn all of your entry opportunities –>

Katherine – Katherine’s Corner

LisaCasa Bouquet

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Have fun, and Good Luck with the Giveaway!



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3 Unbeatable Means Of Relaxing After Work

During a time of rising costs, increasing political turmoil, and difficulties seemingly everywhere we turn, learning to disconnect and care for ourselves is more important than ever. Learning to relax may not just be advisable; then, it may be your solemn duty to keep up with to ensure your mental and physical health are well taken care of.

Photo by Maria Tyutina Pexels – CC0 License

Many people don’t see relaxing as a suitable means of self-care, but it is, and it doesn’t mean you’re lazy. After a hard day of work (yes, being a stay-at-home parent is included in this), learning to unwind not only helps you reduce your levels of stress but helps you get better sleep each night, as well as encourages you to focus on what matters.

Of course, it can be worth focusing on a few tips, such as turning off your work phone in the evenings. From there, you might consider some of the following vital habits:

Set Up A Reading Corner
It’s a great idea to set up a reading corner you can relax in. This can also help you avoid constantly reaching for the streaming service of your choice and sitting on the sofa for hours – there’s nothing wrong with this, of course. Still, it may not be as deeply relaxing as the calm focus placed on reading, which can be pleasant, meditative, separate from screens or overly excitable content. With some lovely incense or a candle, a comforting chair, and a book that helps you escape, such a worthwhile experience will make itself known.

Indulge In Your Teas & Calming Drinks
Investing in some lovely calming drinks as soon as you get home is worthwhile. It will at least help you avoid the temptation of pouring a glass of wine after a particularly stressful day, which against there’s nothing wrong with, but can be a habit you may wish to avoid. Some beautiful matcha, cinnamon, or chamomile tea can calm you down, enable your relaxation, and help you feel hydrated no matter the weather. Some people prefer edibles like Delta 8 Gummies; some prefer relaxing aromatherapy. Whatever you choose is valid.

Apply Some Ambient Music
There’s nothing like calming music to relax us. It might be that you set up your voice assistant to play calming meditative music as soon as you sit down, or perhaps you can craft your playlist through a service like Spotify so that you always have shuffling music wherever you sit. There’s nothing like sitting down for an evening cup of tea while listening to calming chants used in a spa massage environment or meditating to the sound of Tibetan bowls. If this all sounds too serious for your taste, then some calming soul music is known to help anyone relax and feel nurtured.

With this advice, you’re sure to relax after work and enjoy your free time with a little more clarity. It’s the least you deserve.

4 Ways To Prevent Early Signs Of Aging

Aging is a natural part of life, and it brings with it wisdom and experience. But who wouldn’t want to slow down the clock a little? Most life activities and decisions either slow down or accelerate the process. If you are among the many people who took to the FaceApp craze to see how old they look in a few years, then you are probably wondering how to prevent it from becoming a reality too quickly. Here are a few things you can do to avoid the early signs of aging. 

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Protect your skin
Indoor and outdoor air pollution both affect how rapidly skin ages. Particulate matter and gaseous chemicals such as nitrous oxide float in the air and induce skin hyperpigmentation. Some activities such as cooking with or using dirty fuel can cause wrinkles on your face and the back of your hands. Exposure to the sun can be good for increasing your vitamin D levels. However, it is vital to limit your exposure due to the delicate relationship between the sun and the skin. Too much sun exposure can harm your skin and cause premature aging. It can be helpful to take practical steps to protect your skin

Pay attention to your diet
A healthy diet is vital for various reasons. When you’re younger, you might not be concerned about what you eat as much, but as you get older, your nutritional demands vary. Health professionals have established a link between your nutrition and your skin. Poor dietary habits can cause acne and accelerated skin aging. However, this doesn’t suggest following strict nutritional restrictions or denying yourself your favorite foods. You can adjust your eating habits and consume a more balanced diet that includes nutrients to improve your skin. 

Prioritize your dental health
Several conditions have been associated with aging, including dry mouth, periodontitis, and root and coronal caries. Poor oral health can affect your ability to eat and chew some foods. Additionally, discomfort from poor oral health has been shown to disrupt sleep. It is advisable to brush twice daily, floss, and use mouthwash to remove any leftovers after these two oral care routines. Also, missing tooth gaps can trap food and bacteria, leading to gum diseases that may cause tooth loss. Fortunately, procedures such as dental implants can stop this to prevent facial sagging and premature aging. 

Get more night’s sleep
Sleep is critical for general health, and a lack of it can impact your appearance. According to research on the impact of sleep deprivation on facial appearance, sleep-deprived participants had more drooping eyelids, swollen eyes, dark circles under their eyes, red eyes, paler skin, and more wrinkles. Unfortunately, these are signs in aging people, so it is best to prioritize getting more night’s sleep. You want to follow CDC-recommended sleep suggestions and see a sleep specialist if you are clinically sleep deprived. 

While the above are a few ways to age gracefully, the list can be endless, so you want to consider which works best for you and make the needed changes.

Can You Boost Your Confidence? Of Course You Can?

Building your confidence is one of the most crucial things you can do to set yourself up for success. It does not matter if the world’s most influential people genuinely believe they have a great deal of confidence or are just very good at seeming to do so; what matters is that they give off the impression they do. However, we are also aware that this is simpler to state than it is to put into practice; if you lack self-assurance, even acting as though you have it may feel impossible. However, to do so, you must resist the need to give up and yield to pressure, instead choosing to confront head-on the circumstances that cause you to feel uneasy.

In this article, we look at a few ideas that will help you boost your confidence so that you can approach the rest of the year feeling like you can manage just about everything that comes your way. This will allow you to feel like you can handle just about anything that comes your way.


Take good care of yourself physically.
If you do not feel good about yourself, it will be difficult to feel good about yourself in other people’s eyes. You will have feelings of sluggishness and lethargy if you skip meals or consume items that are not good for you. Therefore, you must maintain a diet that is both nutritious and balanced. To ensure that your body receives all the nutrients it requires, make sure that the foods you pack for your meals include fruits and vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

However, nutrition is not the only factor. Exercising your muscles regularly is required. Even if you are already at a healthy weight, it is important to pack as much physical activity as possible into each day. Many individuals only think about exercise in terms of its ability to help them lose weight. Make it entertaining, and you will be far more likely to continue with it.

Do not forget to keep up with basic health checks, such as going to the dentist every six months, getting your vision and hearing checked once a year, and getting any other screenings, such as PAP smears and the like, that you may be eligible for.

You can be confident that your body is in the best form and condition possible if you do these things, and knowing that almost always makes you feel fairly good about yourself.

Put an end to comparing yourself to other people.
The expression “comparison is the thief of joy” is one we use fairly frequently, and in all honesty, it is rather accurate. What constitutes a triumph for one individual could not be regarded as such by another. A clear connection exists between comparison and an individual’s view of themselves. According to research, those who engaged in self-comparison, presumably via social media, were more likely to experience feelings of jealousy. Those individuals who experienced jealousy also had a significantly more negative perspective of who they were, which resulted in a vicious cycle that was extremely difficult to break free from.

Kindness toward oneself is a must.
Have some compassion and kindness for yourself if and when you find yourself in a situation where you have made a mistake. Rather than berating yourself and labeling yourself a loser right away, give yourself some grace. Being cruel to yourself will not serve to encourage you anymore; in fact, it is likely to have the opposite effect and leave you feeling more dejected. Being cruel to yourself will no longer work as a motivational tool. Give yourself some leeway, and remember that none of us are flawless.

5 Myths and Facts About Braces: The Truth Behind Them

It’s no secret that braces are becoming more and more popular. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, almost one-third of all orthodontic patients in the U.S. are adults! But even though braces have become mainstream, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about them. This blog post will dispel some of those myths and give you the truth about braces.

Photo by Susan Duran on Unsplash

Myth: Braces are just for kids.
Fact: As we mentioned before, braces are becoming increasingly popular among adults. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, about one-third of all orthodontic patients in the U.S. are adults! There are several reasons why more and more adults are choosing to get braces, including improved self-esteem and confidence, improved oral health, and even career advancement. So if you’re an adult considering braces, know that you’re not alone!

Myth: Braces will make my teeth look worse before they look better
Fact: Many people believe that wearing braces will make their teeth look worse before they look better. But the truth is, braces help improve your teeth’ alignment, you a straighter, more attractive smile. Many people notice an improvement in their smile as soon as they get their braces put on! So if you’re worried that braces will make your teeth look worse before they look better, don’t be!

Myth: My friends will make fun of me if I get braces.
Fact: This may have been true a few decades ago, but nowadays, getting braces is quite common. So chances are, you probably know a few people who have worn or are currently wearing braces. So if you’re worried about what your friends will think, don’t be! They’re probably more likely to be jealous of your new straight teeth than they are to make fun of you.

Myth: I’ll have to wear my braces for years and years.
Fact: The time you’ll need to wear braces depends on several factors, including the severity of your misalignment, age, and whether you’re getting traditional metal braces or clear aligners. But the good news is that most people only need to wear braces for one to two years! So if you’re worried about having to wear braces for a long time, don’t be! You may be surprised at how quickly your teeth can improve with treatment.

Myth: Braces are painful.
Fact: This is a common misconception about braces, but the truth is, they’re not painful. You may feel a little discomfort when you get them to put on or when your family dentist makes adjustments, but this is usually mild and goes away quickly. In fact, many people report that their braces are pretty comfortable! So if you’re worried about pain, don’t be! Chances are, you’ll find that braces are pretty comfortable to wear.

We hope this blog post has helped dispel some myths and misconceptions about braces! We encourage you to talk to your orthodontist if you have any questions or concerns. They will be able to give you more information about braces and help you decide if they’re right for you.