Supporting Your Body After Giving Birth

Postpartum care needs to be taken seriously both by new parents and by those around them post-birth. It is only natural for all the focus on the new baby, and many new parents will agree this is right. But neglecting postpartum care can lead to longer recovery times.

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Everyone is different and will require different levels of support and care after giving birth, influenced by various factors such as general health, home situations, and the type of birth they experienced. With 1 in 7 new mothers thought to share postpartum mental health concerns in the first 12 months after giving birth, focusing on supporting new parents in this time is vital.

But what can you do for yourself to support your body and mind post-pregnancy?

Plan Ahead
Being prepared for having a new baby at home before the baby arrives is a great way to take the pressure off everyone. From making meals up ready to heat and eat when you don’t know what it is to have an organization’s system for feeding and clothing and diaper changes ready to go can be a massive weight off your mind/ Not everything goes to plan, and that is perfectly ok but being prepared can give you a head start. So buy your baby equipment from Foryourlittleone and have it at home ready to wash and organize all baby clothing. Stock up on baby wipes, cleaning equipment, bibs, muslins, and any gadgets you need and have them ready to use.

Be Honest
There is a somewhat idyllic picture that everything will be rosy and amazing after birth, and being a parent will come naturally. This isn’t true for everyone, and being realistic about how you might be finding things can open the doors for support from family and friends, and medical professionals. Needing help as a new parent isn’t something to be ashamed of but glossing over the hard things or making things harder for yourself won’t help you.

Don’t Push It
Giving birth is a substantial physical trauma your body goes through, and it will naturally take time for your body to recover. From the aches and pain as your uterus shrinks back to size. The skill of getting those kegel exercises correctly and the initial sleep deprivation being a new parent all put a strain on your physical health.

Generally, when you suffer a trauma, you are expected to rest to allow your body to recuperate except after giving birth. Feel free to say no to visitors or attend engagements or events, even just a coffee date with a friend. Take as much rest as you can when you can (everyone knows that sleeping when the baby sleeps isn’t possible or practical).

Lastly, take help when offered. Even if for a short while. While no one expects you to let others take your new baby out for hours on end while you sleep, allowing loved ones to support you by taking care of chores or taking on a feed can give you added time to relax and rest and let your body recover from birth.


4 Tips to Feel Less Stressed this Holiday Season

The holiday season is supposed to be the most beautiful time of the year. The holiday season is when homes, streets, and shops are decked out in holly and gorgeous lights. It helps in creating this very magical atmosphere.  While everywhere you turn is beautiful, this season tends to be very stressful. People are getting sick far easier, the flu is spreading around, schedules are packed, and there’s this pressure to spend a lot of money. You don’t want to be a Grinch this time of year; you want to be a cheery elf. But your schedule is complete, you don’t feel great, and you’re just getting so stressed all around due to your schedule. Thankfully there are some ways to lower your stress, so you don’t feel so tense!

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Commit to self-care
During this hectic time, we tend to neglect ourselves. This includes the significant aspects such as getting enough sleep or eating right, including the little things. It’s understandable, especially if there is so much pressure on you. You should not neglect your chronic uveitis treatments for your eyes, taking time to yourself, and even doing nothing at all if that’s what you want. Self-care has so many aspects, but it comes down to doing what you want for yourself that you know is best for yourself.

Identify your top priorities.
What’s something that should be a significant priority for you? Maybe it’s to look after your health this winter; perhaps you have a project to do, perhaps you’re just wanting to stay safe since 2021 is as crummy as 2020. You need to evaluate what your top priorities are and stick with them. There is no need to excuse or justify yourself. It’s so important to think of yourself and your health, safety, and general well-being.

Adjust your expectations
Don’t bother trying to live a picture-perfect life; honestly, that isn’t even possible. Sure, on Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms tend to buzz with many happy seasonal images and cute captions. But don’t get it into your head that everyone is living the perfect life. The holidays are known for being tiring and stressful, and it’s completely normal to feel this way. Don’t let social media get to you because there is a very high chance that these people think exactly as you do.

Don’t worry about others may feel about you.
During the holiday season, there may be a lot of expectations from others. This could be the expectation to get them a gift, go to a party, have dinner, go shopping, or essentially anything else. You’re not obligated to say yes, and don’t feel bad for declining any invitations. The expectation and pressure to say yes to everything are some of the reasons why the holiday season can be so tricky. There is this primary pressure to say yes to everything, but you don’t have to. Just think of your well-being and think about what you want to prioritize.


Give Thanks Giveaway

Hello Lovely People,

The weather is cool, and the leaves are finally changing in beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and red in my neck of the woods. I know we are thinking about Thanksgiving, but I wanted to talk about ways to remember what you are thankful for. I have been keeping a journal since I was in my early twenties. I decided to create a second journal of what I am grateful for. When you write down what you are thankful for, you can use it as a boost of energy when you need it or a pick-me-up when you are feeling not as strong. What you write down doesn’t have to be anything monumental. You could have found a parking space up close, had an excellent idea for a birthday gift, got the best seat in the restaurant, or finding some good deals at the mall. When I go back and read what I am thankful for, It gives me good vibe vibrations.

What are you grateful for? Think about it.  We get so caught up in the day-to-day that we need to stop and look at the here and now.

Please enter my latest giveaway and get a chance to win a gratitude journal to start developing a new habit.

give thanks giveaway

Please remember to subscribe and follow Katherine and all the other hostesses so you can earn all of your
entry opportunities.

– Katherine – Katherines Corner
– Lisa – Casa Bouquet
– Laura — Everyday Edits

give thanks giveaway hostesses

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Things To Consider Before Getting A Large Dog

Larger dogs have different needs from smaller dogs. If you’re thinking of getting a bigger dog breed, you may want to consider a few of these questions. 

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels

Have you got enough space?

A large dog may not be appropriate for a small apartment. Dogs need lots of space to run around; otherwise, they may feel cramped and unhappy. 

Keeping a dog in a small apartment is possible if you’re able to get your dog out frequently throughout the day. Just be wary that there could also be rules against pets if you live in an apartment or the threat of complaints from neighbors – check what the rules are and check in with your neighbors before getting a dog in an apartment. 

Have you got time to exercise your dog?

Large dogs typically need a lot more exercise than smaller dogs. Exercise will keep dogs happy, protect their joints and prevent weight gain. Make sure that you’ve got the time in your day to go on walks and play with your dog. 

Some large dog breeds don’t need a lot of exercise, such as greyhounds and tibetan mastiffs – if you don’t like the idea of epic walks, these breeds could be a good choice.

Is their bed large enough?

Many owners of large dogs make the mistake of choosing a dog bed that is too small. A bed that’s too small could be uncomfortable for your dog. For larger dogs, it could be worth looking out for specialist dog beds built for these breeds. You can find specialist dog beds at sites like Pawpedics.

 If you plan to keep your dog in a crate, you should also make sure that this is large enough. A regular crate may be suitable when they are a puppy, but they could soon outgrow this.

Do you know what type of food they need?

Large dogs have different nutritional needs from smaller dogs. While they tend to eat more food than smaller dogs, they often require fewer calories per serving than large dogs. This is why it’s worth buying specialist food for large dogs rather than generic dog food – you can be sure that your dog’s nutritional needs will then be met. Check out this guide at Rover on the best foods for large dogs. 

Are you prepared for the higher cost?

Larger breeds are a lot more expensive than smaller breeds. Not only will you pay more to buy a large dog and pay more for their food, but you could also find that vet bills/pet insurance rates are much higher – unfortunately, larger breeds are more susceptible to health problems such as joint issues and bloat. 

Make sure to factor in the cost of looking after a large dog into your budget. There are ways to save money on owning a large dog that could make it more affordable such as making your toys, doing your own grooming, and keeping them exercised to reduce the risk of joint problems. 

The Best Ways To Look After Your Teeth

The Best Ways To Look After Your Teeth
Keeping your teeth healthy takes a lifetime of care and practice, and given the amount of sugar in the average person’s diet, simply brushing and flossing just doesn’t cut it anymore. Hence, it’s unsurprising that so many people suffer from poor dental health. Taking care of your teeth is essential; oral hygiene can have a significant impact on your self-confidence and general mindset, so here are just a few of the best ways to make sure your teeth are in mint condition. 

Photo by Waseem Farooq on PxHere

Replacing Lost Teeth
If you’ve ever lost a tooth, you’ll know that it can make life a lot more complicated than it needs to be, especially when it comes to eating, speaking, and just generally cleaning your teeth. That’s why it is so important to see your dentist regularly and to get any lost teeth replaced as soon as possible. Luckily, there are a bunch of options for getting teeth replaced nowadays, such as dental implants. These dental replacements look and act just like regular teeth, which means that if you do lose a tooth, dentures are not your only option.

Fixing Any Problems
If you have any dental problems and don’t feel confident in trusting the opinion of your everyday dentist, a root canal specialist can offer a second opinion and treatment plan to help get your teeth back to their healthy state. Looking after your teeth is essential, and that’s why it’s a good idea to go for regular check-ups. A root canal specialist will help make sure that your teeth are in good health and can help you take care of any dental problems you may have. One of the main reasons to see a root canal specialist is to get a check-up. A regular check-up can help identify any problems with your teeth early on, saving you a lot of pain and money in the long run.

Getting Your Teeth Straightened
The alignment of your teeth can drastically affect how well you can brush and clean your teeth and make it more challenging to reach those hard-to-clean areas in your mouth, and- if left unattended, it can lead to more serious dental issues further down the line. So if you suffer from misaligned teeth, it can be essential to speak to your dentist or orthodontist about braces or other dental procedures that can help correct crooked tooth placement. And if you’re worried about the appearance of braces, there have been a wide range of new techniques developed that help make braces more subtle, including invisible braces, so why not check it out? 

Use Mouthwash
Antibacterial mouthwash can be an essential part of your teeth cleaning routine and comes with a range of benefits, such as lowering the risk of infection by combating plaque and bacterial buildup, loosening any food particles that may be stuck in your teeth, and making it easier to brush away, strengthening your enamel, and of course, leaving you with minty fresh breath. Regular use of mouthwash in combination with brushing and flossing can also significantly help combat dental erosion such as cavities, which will help improve your dentist’s mood. 

Using a retainer can be a great way to help combat a range of dental issues, such as bruxism, a condition that causes people to grind their teeth in their sleep. It can also be crucial to wear a retainer at night if you have had major dental work recently, especially if you have had your jaw or teeth realigned, as it will help your mouth retain its shape and ensure that all your dentist’s hard work wasn’t for nothing!