Hello Lovely People,

Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible

My hubby and I are beginning our second month of working at home and self-quarantining as much as possible. What a time to be able to delve deeper into the word of God. It is important when we face these difficult circumstances like this, that we get grounded in the Word of God. In collaboration with LEV3L Digital, Bubblingwitheleganceandrace.com is offering our readers the chance to win the new Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible from Dr. Gene A. Getz. This study bible is unlike others that I have used in the past. Dr. Getz provides commentary on the various topic of each book of the Bible. Then for further study in that the top, you can use your smartphone to click on a QR code that pulls up a YouTube video. Some videos are a couple of minutes, while others are ten minutes or more. You will get the feeling that Dr. Getz is your personal pastor and speaking directly to you.

In this video below, Dr. Getz gives a good overview of why he designed the bible in this fashion.

This Bible has many features that will provide you with hours of study time into God’s word.

“In the CSB Life Essentials Study Bible, renowned Bible teacher, Dr. Gene Getz guides readers through Scripture by expounding on 1,500 life principles found throughout the Bible. Distilling these truths into life principles, Dr. Getz helps readers remember and apply the Bible’s wisdom to everyday life. The CSB Life Essentials Study Bible integrates a multimedia digital study system with more than 250 hours of in-depth video teachings from Dr. Gene Getz on these essential life principles (accessed through smartphone-accessible QR codes). Questions follow each principle to inspire personal reflection or group discussion. A topical index and cross-references for all 1,500 life principles are included, and each book introduction provides a list of corresponding life principles found in that book.”

Some of the important features of the Life Essentials Study Bible:
– Commentary and application questions on 1,500 life principles
– 250 hours of free in-depth video teaching to accompany each life principle
– Two-color interior design
– Smyth-sewn binding
– Presentation page
– Two-column text
– Topical subheadings
– Black-letter text
– 9-point type
– Textual footnotes
– Concordance
– Full-color maps

The Bible is easy to read and each chapter includes highlighted verses so that you know what the important ones are for you to focus on.

Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible

If you are looking to dive deeper into the word of God and have a relationship with him please enter the giveaway for a chance to win.

Life Essentials Bible Interactive Giveaway Details
– The giveaway will be open now until Saturday, May 2, 2020, at 11:59 pm.
– To enter leave a comment below about how you plan to use the Bible in your studies.
– The winner will be announced on Sunday, May 3, 2020.

FTC Disclaimer:
Bubbling with Elegance and Grace received a free copy of this Bible from LEV3L Digital in order to write this review and to host the giveaway. We did not receive any monetary compensation. All opinions are own.

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