Let’s face it! Even though technology has done so much good in most of the business fields, we can’t ignore the fact it has caused more harm in the relationship sector. Millennials have been accustomed to casual dating no thanks to the dating sites all over the web.
Dating sites and social media have created a bad rap for relationships in this generation. With so many divorces and separation cases, we can’t ignore the underlying problem. Gone are the days where courting was a significant process before engagement and marriage. Gone are the days where “in sickness and in health, till death do us part” was taken with seriousness.
Separation, infidelity, and disloyalty has become the norm of the day. Dating sites have become more of an uber for sex rather than a platform to help people find love. Be as it may, here are some of the tips millennials can use to make their relationships strong in a tech-infested world:

Understand Your Happiness is Your Responsibility
Yes being in a relationship can make you happier. However, you need to make sure that you are happy alone before getting into any relationship. Millennials tend to believe that a partner is supposed to make them happy.
If you have this kind of mentality then your relationships won’t survive. With so much false implication of relationships on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. True happiness comes from within and it is directly affected by your attitude.
If you want your relationship to work out in this generation, you need to find ways you can be happy even when your partner is not around. Despite the external circumstances, you have to make sure that you can stand your ground. Explore new hobbies and try out new sports, do anything you can to take responsibility for your own happiness.

Strive to Become a ‘We’
If you want to build a relationship that will thrive, grow, and mutually-supportive, then you have to make sure that you are separated and connected at the same time. Being in a co-dependent relationship is what millennials advocate for, however, such affairs are bound to fail.
You need to understand that you and your partner will have differences. Those differences however, are no negatives. Its not a necessity to have someone who shares all your views and interests. The incompatibilities and differences are the facts that keep a relationship full of fire and exciting if you both put aside the ‘I’s’ and become a ‘We’.

Time is Everything
Thank God for the messaging apps! Sure, our grandparents made their relationships work because they created time for each other. No matter what your work is or who you are, it is essential to nurture your relationship.
You need to make sure you schedule time for your relationship.This means creating time to have dates and spend downtime together. Shut out all things digital and technological gadgets. Your relationship is more like a garden, the more you tend to it, the more it will grow.

Compromise and Support
A relationship is comprised of two people with two different background, different values, different beliefs, practically different everything. This is why you need to strike a level ground with your partner so that you can both be on the same page.
Compromise is key if you would like to avoid all the disagreements. Where here is compromise there also needs to be support. If your partner has personal issues then you need to be their support system. If your partner is battling an alcoholic addiction and they need to go to Englewood drug and alcohol rehab centersthen you need to be there for them.

 Strive to Be Honest and Open
Loyalty is attributed by honesty and openness, and loyalty is a strong foundation in a relationship. You need to be able to trust your significant other with your deep and personal feelings if you want your relationship to be successful.
Being able to share emotions with your partner will build trust with your partner and relieve any stressors. This will allow your relationship to build stronger and prepare the both of you for the trials of life. You need to show each other how much you care by being a safe place for each other to share emotions honestly and openly without any criticism.

Work on Conflicts Head-On When They Erupt
Holding on to grudges is what kills relationships. Most divorces are attributed to inconsolable differences that erupt when conflicts were swept under the rug. If you and your partner leave your conflicts unresolved, they will build up overtime and create a much deeper, dividing resentment in the future.
This will eventually cause unnecessary stress in your relationship. You need to start handling conflicts by dealing with the issues that rise head-on instead of reverting to silent treatment, holding grudges, or attacking each other. Once you solve the issue, both of you need to let it go and move on.

If you want your relationship to work in a tech-infested world, you need to abandon the technology. Yes texting may be efficient especially if you are miles away from each other, but actual and in-person communication is very important in relationships that intend to last forever.
The two of you need to know how to talk to each other outside of the internet and in person. Plan dates and activities together where you will be in each other’s company. Take time to know your partner in and out without any reservations.
Tell your partner what you like and dislike and vice versa. If your partner does something you don’t like, you need to be able to let them know. Avoid making assumptions about your partner’s behavior and learn to ask them instead. Wrong interpretations and assumptions tend to kill trust and eventually kill the relationship. Be a safe haven for your partner by showing them that you are easy to talk to and they can trust you.

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