Hello, Wonderful People!!
Today’s world is filled with many so much noise that it can be difficult to hear anything clearly. From our social media outlets to the countless TV stations to the people we come in contact throughout the day. It can seem impossible to know who is correct or which one you need to be listening to. One question that I often hear from Christians ask, “With so much noise, how do I when God is speaking to me?” Our Pastor has a very simple answer to this question. God can speak to you every day. All you need to do is spend time reading and studying His word that is found in the Bible. But learning what the Bible is saying to you can be a daunting task if you do not how to study it effectively.
Sunday, June 16th is Father’s Day and what a better gift to give than God’s word. I often hear friends ask questions like, “How am I going to raise these kids? This is such a hard time to raise a family? How does God tell me how to build a solid relationship with my wife? The answers are in God’s word. If we read the Bible and allow God to give us wisdom and advice, He will do it.
If you have often struggled with reading the Bible, the He Reads Truth Bible may be what you need for that breakthrough. With 125 full-color charts, infographics, and illustrations; 17 full-color timelines; 21 full-color maps, this Bible can help bring clarity and revelation as you read and study God’s word. There are also two sewn-in to the binding ribbon bookmarks for you to mark your place while reading. It features a one-year reading plan for the entire Bible and a curated reading plan for each book of the Bible. The curated plans give you an opportunity to study related scriptures and passages in other parts of the Bible that provide further context and explanation of what you are reading. This Bible uses the Christian Standard Bible text, which captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, which will help you read, understand, and share God’s word more effectively.
Released on May 1, the He Reads Truth Bible was put together by the He Reads Truth group. According to information provided with the Bible, this worldwide community of men reads God’s Word together every day. Founded in 2015, the group invites men to engage with scriptures through daily reading plans and devotionals. Although the Bible is edited by men and geared to men, I believe women would also benefit from reading this version of the Bible. However, there is also a She Reads Truth version. Looking through the more than 2,300 pages of this Bible, I realize that I have the tools right in front of me to take that next step. The text on the page is a bit on the small side, but don’t let that stop you from getting this Bible and hearing what God is saying today. The Bible retails for $49.99, but different online stores have various prices.
Why read God’s word?
To get to know God and have a personal relationship with Him, I know I have to read his word. I am a Christian! However, when I am asked about my faith, do I really know Him? Well, this is a great way to get to know Him and have one-on-one time with God. Our Lord talks to His children through His word and what better way to start than with the He Reads Truth Bible.
Why a book instead of a tablet or phone?
I also use my iPhone and an iPad to read the Bible. Those pieces of technology are awesome, I know that there is nothing like having a book in my hands that you can make notes and highlight as I please.
Here is your chance to win your own copy of this amazing Bible, with Smyth-sewn binding and Bible Serif typeface. In collaboration with LEV3L Digital, we are giving away ONE copy. To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment below, stating why you would like to receive this Bible. Then, one commenter will be selected at random, to receive his or her own copy. But hurry, the giveaway closes at 11:59 pm (CT) Saturday, June 22, 2019. The winner will be announced on Sunday, June 23, 2019.
I would love this Bible as mine does not have charts, infographics, illustrations timelines or maps.
The extras that this Bible has are great. I know you would enjoy them. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I have been searching for a Bible that teaches me how to know more about God and I believe this may be the one book to do it.
This Bible is great for anyone who wants to take a deeper walk with Christ. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would love to have this study Bible for my husband and for myself! We would love to have this.
This Bible would be great for couples who want to study together. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
Hello Anita, Congratulations, you are the winner of our He Reads Truth Bible Giveaway. We will be emailing you with more details. YEAH!!
I think that this bible is really neat. Would be a good gift for my dad, he always has a bible by his side.
This Bible would be great for your dad. I know he would enjoy looking through it. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I think this Bible would be perfect for my husband. The charts, maps, and infographics are perfect for his learning style.
This Bible would be great for your husband. The extras are wonderful. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would love to win this Bible and gift it to my husband for Father’s Day! His Bible is falling apart!
This Bible would make a great replacement for your husband. Thank you entering the giveaway.
I would love to win this Bible for my brother because he is a pastor and reads the Bible every day!
This Bible would be perfect for your brother. I know he would enjoy studying with it. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I recently got myself a study bible and its a great resource. I would love to win this one to give my husband so we can study together.
Studying together with your husband is a great way to strengthen your marriage. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I love being connected with God!
This Bible will help you get connected with God, with all of the extras. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would love to win this bible because it has been my goal to read the Bible from cover to cover and I have not been able to succeed because it became hard to understand at times. This would truly help my husband and I during bible study as well.
My son could use a Bible like this to help him with his Bible studies.
This Bible would be great for your son. I know he would enjoy using it. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
This Bible is great for anyone who wants to read the entire Bible in one year. Thank you for entering the giveaway
I would like to win to give to my son. He would love this. Thank you
I know your son would learn a lot from this Bible. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would love to add this to the library of bibles as resource, and it’s be great next to the She Reads Truth Bible!
This would be ideal for couples who want to study together. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would love to win this for my husband. He had a bible that had been given to him by his dad which he cherished. Unfortunately it was lost on one of his deployments.
This would make a perfect gift for your husband. I know he would enjoy using it. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would like to win because I would like to give this bible to my teenage son to help strengthen his walk with God.
This would make a perfect gift for your son. I know he would enjoy using it. It’s never to early to start studying God’s Word. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I have a study Bible with instructed reading to go through after you have read the chapter it is very informative but I would like something else to read and see if I get more out that Bible than the one I have.
You can never have too many study Bible to help you learn more about God’s Word. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I had already typed a comment before this.
I would love to win because I find the way that it’s chaptered, to be very interesting in study!
This Bible is very easy to work through when studying. Thank you for entering the giveaway.
I would like to win this bible because it sounds great and I need a new bible. Thanks for the giveaway!
A new Bible study plan is always a great thing to start. Thank you for entering the giveaway.