Hello, Lovely Ones!

As we move through Holy Week, I pray that you will take time to reflect on Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus’ death on the cross is the catalyst for our Christian faith, and we must understand the magnitude of His sacrifice.

This Easter season would be an excellent time to study the scriptures more deeply and understand God’s Word. If you want a fresh perspective on the Word, we recommend the new study that corresponds with Season Four of The Chosen.

God’s Goodness for the Chosen coordinates with the eight episodes of Season Four that recently aired in theaters. If you are a big fan of The Chosen, you can get separate studies for each of the first three seasons.

In conjunction with the new release of God’s Goodness for the Chosen, we offered our blogging family a giveaway. Congratulations to

~~ Cindy M ~~

who will receive a copy of the bible study.
Congratulations, Cindy! YEAH!

Stay tuned for our next giveaway, which is coming soon. May this Easter season be filled with reflection, solitude, and peace. 

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