Hello, Elegant Ones

Happy New Year!

We are one week in, and we pray this year is off to a fantastic start for you. My hubby and I have not made resolutions for several years. We have found that resolutions just don’t work for us because they set us up for failure. After all, you don’t have a plan. However, we spend time at the end of the year to reflect on what went well and what needed improvement. And from that, we look at setting goals for the new year. Reading books is one of the areas that we examined. We realized that the for the amount of spiritual and personal growth we desire for our life, we had not completed enough books in 2022. So for the new year, we aim to read or listen to at least one book each month.

JT and Hubby in Verona, Italy

Other areas we have examined and reflected on include health, fitness, relationships, travel plans, date night ideas, fun time activities, and getting more rest. Now, this does not mean that we have it all planned out by January 1st and that we are mode of accomplishing these goals. We know that these will always be in a constant state of examination and reflection, with tweaking and adjusting as needed. It takes the pressure off of knowing that we must figure it all out at the beginning of the year. To complete one book per month, we decided to spend thirty minutes per day reading or listening. Right now, we are examining what time of day is the best to complete this task and if it is possible to do it every day or if we should aim for four to five days per week.

Giveaway Winner Announcement
We wanted to end the year with a giveaway to say THANK YOU to all our fabulous followers. Some of you have been with us for years, while others are new. We wanted to thank you for sharing our journey through life – an elegant and graceful life. The winner of our giveaway is

~~~ Shannon G ~~~

Congratulations, Shannon! YEAH! You will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a Better Life Journal from Dean Graziosi. We will be in contact with you about getting your items to you.

Our next giveaway starts in a couple of days. Stay tuned for your chance to win a copy of the new TEXT Bible.

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