Dog-Mergency! How To Help Your Pup Recover From Injury

Seeing your pup get injured? It’s no fun for a dog mom or dad! In fact, it can be really distressing and upsetting. However, once the immediate danger has passed, and emergency treatment has been provided usually by a vet, there are some things we can do to help our canine friend recover. Read on to find out what they are.  

Keep vet appointments
First of all, it’s crucial that you keep all the vet appointments that your dog needs, not just the one that deals with the injury in the first instance. This is because it’s essential that their recovery is monitored by a trained professional who will be able to spot any problem or signs of infection that could make your pup’s health worse.

Of course, the major issue that most people have with this is not that they don’t want to provide the best for their dog, but the high costs that are involved with multiple visits to the vets. Although, by getting dog insurance beforehand you can limit this, and ensure your pup get both the best treatment and aftercare possible.

Practice aftercare at home
Of course, aftercare isn’t just something that happens at the vets. In fact, it is an activity that owners will need to keep up at home as well.

What that often means is keeping any cuts clean, and even treated them with dog wound products. Something that can help them to heal as quickly as possible.

Although, if the injury that your dog is suffering from is broken limb, then the priority will be to keep it dry! After all, a wet cast will need to be redone if they are to heal properly.

Get them rehabilitated
Once the injury has started to heal, it’s vital that you follow medical advice and get your dog rehabilitated. What this means is that you encourage them to move more again. Of course, this can be a tough thing to do, especially if they are still in pain from the injury they received.

Luckily, there are techniques such as osteopathy for pets, and even hydrotherapy that can encourage them to make a full recovery, while also minimizing the strain and pain they feel.

Although, no matter what route you pick it’s crucial that you show both patience and compassion for your pet during this challenging time.

Prevent re-injury
Finally, when it comes to getting your pup to recovering from an injury, it’s imperative that you protect them, so they don’t end up experiencing the same thing again.

What you do to facilitate this will differ in each situation, but some possible examples include adding a doggy gate to stairs that it would be dangerous for them to climb, making repairs in your garden if there are any unstable ledges or walls, and even discouraging play fighting with your other pets.

After all, you don’t want to go through all of the challenges of helping your pet to recover, for them to just end up in the same place all over again!

How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Happiness

Not everyone considers the happiness of their dog, but they have feelings just like you or I. You can tell when they are happy as they wag their tails, and when something is wrong it tends to hang low. Your dog’s happiness is important if you want them to live a long and healthy life. Here is a collection of tips from experts on the best ways to ensure your dog is happy.

Vinny playing in the backyard

Play With Them
One thing all the experts agree on is that playing with them from when they are a young puppy is crucial. It will help them to learn social skills and will keep their mind alert. Playing can be fun for you too, and will certainly help you and your dog to bond.

Play can include water, as most breeds of dogs enjoy this. Splash through some puddles or get the hose out and have some water play with your dog.

The More Exercise The Better
The more exercise your dog has the healthier and happier they will be. If you lead a very busy life and they spend a few hours each day on their own, consider using a dog walking service to get over this problem. They will then get the exercise they need and you will have peace of mind in knowing the dog walker is experienced and can be trusted to take good care of your beloved pet.

Also, you need to remember that they may well need to use the toilet while you are out and using a dog walking service will give them the chance to do this as well.

Check Out The Local Vets
You need to check out the local vets and find one that you feel will be suitable. Visits to the vets can be traumatic, but if you take them for regular checkups they will get used to the vet and not feel quite so nervous.

Special Treats Only
Your pet should always be fed food they enjoy which at the same time has all the goodness they need. It might be tempting to give them scraps from the table or a biscuit that humans eat, but you are not doing them any favors in doing this.

In fact, there are some food humans eat that are positively bad for them. Onions and grapes and two typical examples of foods that could make your dog ill.

They should have treats sometimes, but they should be ones manufactured for dogs, as these will not have anything in that your dog should avoid. You should also make the treat something occasional, as it is too easy to overfeed a dog and then they will become unwell.

You should also make sure they always have plenty of fresh drinking water, as this is vital for keeping pets healthy and happy. Their coat will stay shiny too, and they should have access to fresh water at all times.

Making your dog happy will have its own rewards as no matter how bad your day has been they will greet you with love and affection.

Want A Brainier Cat? Try This

You might think that your cat is already pretty intelligent. After all, he or she can navigate the cat flap, look after themselves out of the house at night, and, well, take full advantage of your hospitality. But science is increasingly showing that there are things that owners can do to turn their cats from ho-hum intelligence into veritable feline Einsteins.

So what can you do? Take a look at some of these unique ideas.

Create Food Puzzles

Feed Bowl Eat Delicious Food Cat   Max Pixel

For years, scientists puzzled over how to get animals to engage in cognitively-demanding tasks. They soon realized that pretty much the only thing that animals wanted was food and that by making food the prize, they could encourage behavior that they wanted.

You can take advantage of this by using food puzzles that require your cat to use its intelligence to get a tasty treat. What you’ll quickly find is that the cat’s natural instincts will kick in. They’ll suddenly go into hunter mode, thinking intently about how to get the meal that they want.

The good news is that you don’t have to come up with your own food game from scratch. Many pet stores sell games pre-packaged. But if you want to come up with games, you can. Many owners like hiding treats around the house in difficult-to-find places, encouraging cats to use their mental skills to seek them out.

Hone Their Hunting Instincts


The hunting instinct is fundamental to what it means to be a cat. But cats who are fed out of a tin for years on end can end up losing this vital aspect of their intelligence. The only reason evolution gave cats any intelligence at all is arguably because they had to use it for hunting prey.

If you don’t want an endless string of dead birds brought through your back door, then it’s a good idea to find artificial ways for your cat to indulge their hunting instinct, like this motorized weasel ball. Toys help to elicit the hunting response without necessitating the unfortunate demise and death of any wildlife in your garden. What’s more, most of these toys are relatively cheap and can be used again and again.

Play Hide And Seek
Playing hide and seek with your cat might sound like a non-starter. But it is surprisingly simple to achieve, Start by providing spaces for your cat to hide in your home. These spaces could be small cardboard boxes, areas behind the sofa, or out in the garden.

Once you’ve got some cat-friendly hiding spaces available, let your cat go and hide. Then start calling their name, only for a few minutes at first to get them used to the idea. After a while, when you discover them, reward them for hiding away. This will encourage them to find better hiding places in the future.

Do you think your cat is smart? Do you want to make them even smarter? Then try using some of these ideas to keep them mentally active and healthy.

5 Reasons Why You Should Finally Get a Dog

It’s a new year, and what’s on the horizon? Perhaps you want to travel more, or save money, or give up one those vices that you know are no good for your health. While all of those things are all well and good, there’s one new year goal that might trump the lot, and that is: getting a dog! If you’ve ever had half a wish to bring a canine into your home, then read on – by the end of the article, you might just be convinced that it’s the right way to go.

They’re a Mood Booster
We’re not always the best judge of what’s going to make us happy. We think it’s one thing, but then it turns out to be wrong. Sometimes, it’s just best to take the scientific route, and do what the experts say will boost our happiness levels, such as exercising, avoiding alcohol, and, yes, bringing a dog into your life. Due to a combination of reasons, which are too extensive to list here, having a dog as part of your family has been shown to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. And there’s no special formula: you just have to be together, and it’ll all happen.

They’ll Get You In Shape
Of all the New Year’s resolutions that people make, none are broken quite as quickly as the vow to get into shape. When it’s a little bit chilly outside, it’s much easier to put running off until tomorrow, which of course never comes. When you have a dog, you won’t have the opportunity to put it off: your canine friend needs walking twice a day. In so doing, they’ll have you up, moving, and getting your daily dose of exercise.

They’re Not as Limiting As You Think
One of the main reasons why people who want a dog choose not to is because they think it’ll put limits on their lifestyle. This is not the case! Dogs don’t have to eat up as much of your salary as is commonly assumed; while there are costs attached, they’re not insurmountable. The other issue is related to what happens when you want to travel. When these times roll around, you can either put your dog into boarding kennels or take them with you – there are many more options for traveling with pets compared to days gone by. While you might not have to give up some of your freedoms, it’s not as if you’ll be a slave to your responsibilities.

More Friends
Looking for a new way to make friends? Then your dog can help. It’ll be a rare walk in the park when you don’t strike up a conversation with another dog owner. Your pooch will become your lovable, cuddly, friend-making pal!

They’re Fun
Finally, let’s just get this one out there: dogs are fun! While there’ll be times when they do something that frustrates you, for the most part, you’ll be enjoying all the positive vibes they bring to the household and your life.  


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Happy Birthday Mr. Gio! We Love You and We Miss You!

Happy Birthday Gio!

Twelve years ago today, we rescued Gio from the streets and brought him to his forever home. We have no idea when his actual birthdate was, so we celebrate his birthday on the day he came home with us. As you may know, Gio crossed over the rainbow bridge this summer. We miss him and we think of him every day.


Gio had an awesome life and lived every day with such enthusiasm. There was never a dull moment with Gio. He was a true beagle with the bark and the howl. It is still hard to see a photo of him and not be saddened by it, to know that he is no longer with us. It is hard to explain, but if you are a true dog lover, you understand. The little four-legged fury ones become so intertwined with your life, it is difficult when they are no longer with you.

We have many memories with Gio and we deeply cherish them.
We love you and we will always miss you!

Have you had a fury friend leave a lasting impact on your life?
Tell us about about him or her in the comments section below!

Stay Paws-itive! Resolving Unexpected Issues in Cats

One of the great things about cats is that they’re so independent. Sure, they love a fuss and a cuddle (albeit on their terms!) but they’re generally happy going about their own business. This is what makes them such desirable pets for busier people, or those that want an animal that’s a little lower maintenance. However, while cats are hardy little creatures, things still can and do go wrong, and there are a number of problems that can occur in cats that you probably have never even considered. If you’re looking to adopt a cat, here are a few things you should be aware of.


Behavioural issues
Aggression, destruction, toileting issues, constant meowing and more are all issues you might experience when you get a cat. Providing them with the right stimulation, toys, litter box and more can all be helpful. If the problem persists, it can be worth speaking to a vet since there might be some physical pain there that’s causing them to act in a certain way. Most people think of behavioural issues being a problem in dogs not cats, but it can happen.

Dental problems
Just like in humans, oral issues affecting a cat’s teeth and gums become more prevalent with age. However, it’s common in all cats and it’s estimated that over eighty five percent of cats over three years old have some form of dental disease. Cat dental issues can be difficult to spot as an owner, cats of course won’t appreciate you poking around in their mouths. However, drooling, pawing at the mouth or refusing to eat are all sure signs that something is wrong. If your cat is already showing some signs of tooth issues, it’s worth having their teeth inspected and cleaned by a vet under sedation. While it can be nerve wracking having your pet put under anesthetic, the longer it goes on the harder it will be to treat meaning more sedation will be needed. Feeding cats a diet of dry kibble instead of wet food is much better for their teeth. You can also buy dental treats and toys.

Heart disease
We all know that heart disease can cause sudden death in humans, however it’s not widely known that animals can have sudden heart problems that can also lead to death. And when it comes to cats, one of the the most common causes of sudden death is due to heart disease and it’s associated conditions. There are a few things that can lead to this, feline cardiomyopathy known as ‘heart muscle disease’ is one of them. Feline heartworm disease is another, and worryingly these can occur in outwardly healthy cats. Both conditions don’t usually give any warning which can be really traumatic for us as cat owners. For this reason, it’s important to prevent against heartworm, and also to have your cat regularly examined by the vet. Little is known about the disease and so it can be difficult to come terms with if this happens to your furry friend.

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