Happy Birthday Mommy Bernice!!

Hello Wonderful People!

Today, we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful person we affectionately call MOMMY BERNICE.

Eighty-one years ago today, Bernice Matilda Schulte was born in Freeburg, Missouri. She is the daughter of Henry and Katie (Linnenbrink) Schulte, She is the third of six children. Her life is filled with many wonderful stories of faith and resilience. She makes me proud to be her son. Here are a few stories for you.

When she was only fourteen years old, her father had gotten sick and was unable to work his job at the local MFA feed store. In order for her daddy to keep his job, she had to quit school and work his job. Her brother would also work with her in the store. While her father would recover from his illness and was eventually able to return to work, she was never able to return back to school. However, she didn’t allow the lack of a formal education stop her. She served her family as a wonderful mother; and raised her children well.

After getting married to my father in 1957, she gave birth to nine children, with me being the youngest. Sadly, four of her babies died only days after being born; and a fifth child died at the age of 37. At one point, she lost three premature babies in just four years. Despite these setbacks, she and my father never lost their faith in God and persevered through the hard times. Ultimately, the doctors found the source of the problem, fixed it and then she was then able to have three successful pregnancies. I guess they stopped after having that perfect baby (me)!

During their marriage, my father dealt with many sicknesses; from bleeding ulcers to lung cancer. Unfortunately, he would lose his battle to cancer and his life ended prematurely in 1987. She once again battled through, raising her youngest children on her own. I know it had to be a tough time for her, but she never would let me know it. And if you ask me, I will say she has done an awesome job.

Later in her life, she has overcome her own health challenges, from a broken hip, a broken ankle, and a fractured back (not at the same time); to macular degeneration and rotator cuff tears. But in spite of this, she still keeps her faith in God and maintains a positive attitude. She has been through so much, but I believe it has made her stronger.

Mommy Bernice is wonderful example of Godly woman who maintains her faith despite the circumstances. She is one who is deeply loved and admired by her family and her many friends. I can definitely say that I have not meet any one like her. I thank God for her and want the world to know all about her. We Love You, Mommy Bernice!!! And, Happy Birthday!!!



Etiquette 101: Where Are The Kids?

Hello Beautiful People,

Blessings and love to you all.

You are probably looking at the title of the post and wondering, what is she talking about, right? Well, I thought I would never have to write about this subject; but it’s time.

We are all uniquely different and beautifully made by God; and He knows our name.

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7(KJV)

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10 30 (KJV)

My title of this post: Where are the kids? I said that because I had a greeter at church said that to me and my husband not long ago.
We just parked the Jeep and were walking into church saying hi to everybody. We said hi to this particular lady and she said, “Hey guys, Where are the kids?” The world stood still before me because all eyes was on us. I said, “They are not here yet.” I had to laugh because at one time I would have went up to her and said, “Have you seen me with kids? What business is it of yours?” I am saved; but I am not that saved that I let anyone talk to me any kind of way. I know that I have gained wisdom in this area of my life. My husband said that he would never say that to anyone he didn’t know.

Etiquette 101 
If you have never seen a person or a couple with children and you don’t know them; please do not ask them personal questions because you do not know their story. It is up to them whether or not they want to share it with you. I find that in the church arena sometimes it seems like being fruitful means that procreating is a prerequisite. If you happen to not be a part of the status quo, some people feel that they have the freedom to ask you personal questions that they have no business asking whatsoever.

Being fruitful and multiplying means not only in your marriage and children; but every area of your life. Whether it be you health, wealth, having enough to give to others or prosperity to name a few.

 Another example from a church that I had previously attended: The Pastor asked couples to stand and come down to the front of the altar if they want to be prayed over.  People who only knew of me, not knowing me personally were saying, “Aren’t you going to stand?”  I said, “No, I am praying for these couples.”  By the way, my husband was the Assistant Head usher at the time, so he was at the front of the altar to make sure if the people fall out in the spirit he and the other ushers would catch them. (In case you don’t know what falling out in the spirit means, it’s when you feel the Holy Spirit inside your whole being when hands are laid on you or not laid on you in prayer.) Would you believe the next Sunday people assumed we were both down front being prayed for to have a child. I said, “My husband is an usher and he was making sure the people were okay and praying for them at the same time.”

I have found that many times that the people who can say the most hurtful things are people in the church. You may wonder, “How is that? The church is suppose to be filled with holy people?” Just remember that these people, (including myself) are not perfect and you do not know where they are in their spiritual walk. You are not going to church to please them, but for your own spiritual growth and development. The church is suppose to be your house of refuge, but many times it can be a battleground because not everyone is at the same spiritual level as you. And I know I have to check myself because I want to make sure I am not saying something that may offend someone. The words are long-suffering, forgiveness and love one another. You can have an unusual word come from anywhere; but it is whether you receive those words or not is the key.

Etiquette 102
Please don’t assume that just because a person or couple does not have a child that they want to have children at that point and time; especially if you don’t even know them personally.

You need to have at least one child
Again, you don’t know my story and I don’t know you from Adam. I really am being nice and saying this in love, it’s none of your beeswax. You have to live your life and be the best you that you can be, don’t let anyone put you in a mold that they think is the best for you.

 For those who have one child
“When are you going to have another one. That child is going to be lonely.” I know a couple of people who were hurt and angry because people ask these questions like they are not good enough because they stopped at one child.
Wait a minute, I am an only chid and I have to tell you; I cannot miss anything that I never had.  I have a loving family who never made me feel like I was the only anything or that I was missing out. I am blessed to be here because my mother didn’t want children; but my grandmother changed her mind. My Father, mother, and grandmother never made me feel like being the only child was a odd thing.  My Father and Mother are with the Lord. However, I have an Aunt who does not have any children and has never been married. She is such in inspiration to me.

Most black families have children and you are in an interracial marriage.  You will have beautiful babies!
This statement is so ludicrous that I can’t do anything but laugh. And another thing, how do you know I am 100% black? You don’t know my story. Whether you have kids or not; they do not define you. They are a part of you; but they do not define you as a person.

Etiquette 103
I am saying this in love, please think before you speak. You don’t know why a couple have no children or decided to have only one child. Maybe it was hard for them to have kids and they were finally able to have one.  Maybe they want have only one child for financial or other reasons.  No matter what, again it is none of your business unless you are allowed into that person’s personal space.

Are you expecting, when is the baby due?
I didn’t think people were saying this much until I have heard a couple of friends say that strangers and family members would ask them this question. Some of the friends laughed it off, while others felt fat and like they let there body completely go.

Etiquette 104
Keep it simple sugar, keep your mouth shut. We have to really watch what we say because our mouths are becoming shooting darts instead of  praise and encouragement.

From the heart
If the Lord wants my husband and I to have a child, He will let us know. I  thank God for my life and I don’t want any Debbie downers to make me feel less than or of no value because I don’t have any children. Last year, we asked to be God parents to our cousin’s little boy and that’s cool. We even had someone asked me, “Are you ready now because we are Godparents.” Oh my goodness, I just kept smiling. I aspire to daily be an inspiration and mentor to people my age and younger. I love the Lord, and I try to treat people better than they treat me.  Whoever you are who tries to be negative, you are not my judge so don’t judge me because I am not critiquing your life.

Scripture for Meditation
Renewing the mind daily in God’s word will to filter out negativity.  It’s not a one time mediate and done; it is an every day walk in God’s word.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14 (KJV)

I am your Bubbling life coach and I am here to encourage and inspire you. You may feel hurt or depressed because of words said to you. Whether it is about having children or other areas in your life, but remember you do not have to stay there. God loves you! If you were the only one on the earth, Jesus died on the cross for your sins. If you would like for me to keep you in my prayers, your friend, or your loved ones please leave their names in the comments.

Honoring the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Hello Beautiful People,

Today, we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on his 89th birthday.

Born on January 15, 1929, we celebrate and remember King’s work as a civil rights leader. 2018 marks 50 years since his assassination in Memphis.

History Fact:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is the only person not to be president who has been honored with a national holiday.

Interesting Fact:
President Trump signed legislation that elevates the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site to National Historic Park status. The Park will now includes the Prince Hall Masonic Temple, a site that King used as the headquarters for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

On four days in 2018, all National Park Service sites with an entrance fee will offer free admission to everyone. One of those days is today, Monday, January 15, on his birthday.
Jan. 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
April 21: First Day of National Park Week
Sept. 22: National Public Lands Day
Nov. 11: Veterans Day

Local Connection:
In the video below, people remember when King traveled to St. Louis University in 1964 and gave a speech to the St. Louis community. He inspired them to be better and to do more to help others.

Favorite Quote:
“Faith is taking the first step
even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

This quote is one of my favorites because it reminds me of the scripture that I read everyday.
For we walk by faith,
not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV)
Stepping out in faith and believing that God will make a way for us because He already made a way. We only have to have faith that what we are praying for will come to past.

Final Reflections:


Seasons Change

Hello Beautiful People,

Hope you are having a wonderful day. Christmas was great and now we are headed into a new year. The weather keeps changing from warm to cold. I find that I really have to dress for the day and in some instances for the hour. I use to iron a weeks worth of outfits. I cannot do that too much anymore because the temperature may change and what I picked out is not right for the day. This winter has been much colder compared to the whole winter season last year.

Te photo below shows the leaves are still on the burning bush and the day was brisk.  I had recently purchased the pink Vera Bradley crossbody bag after receiving an email that they were doing a huge sale on eBay. The bag was on sale for $14.00. The weather on that day was mild but there was a chill in the air.

JT styling Vera Bradley crossbody

We had snow during the Christmas holiday and now was time for my winter coat. Temperatures for the last couple of days have been in the teens so I had to bundle up.

JTwisdom in the snow

When it comes to the seasons sometimes there is a sudden change in a single day, so we have to be ready. Many people say they cannot wait to see the snow melt and go away because of one main reason. They hate to drive in it. Listen, I understand about traffic and taking long hours for you to get home, Other drivers honking at you because you are driving below the speed limit like you are supposed to. I know where you are coming from.

But, I still enjoy seeing the snow fall and the peacefulness in the air; there’s nothing like it. I am not a little kid; but I feel like one when I am running around outside with my husband and my puppies in the freshly fallen snow. Those are memories I cherish in my heart.  Life is what you make it and it’s so much more fulfilling when you turn that frown upside down.

Am I a naturally whistle while I work person? No. I have to choose to be happy in this world that we live in. Yes, it’s a choice. We have to be careful that we do not fall into that negativity trap because it will only bring us down and we can’t move forward that way.

Thanksgiving Holiday Childhood Memories

Happy Thanksgiving Beautiful People!

My Grandmother’s house

When I think of the holidays, I think back to when I was a little girl spending time with my family. My grandmother was a wonderful cook and she would prepare a full spread with all the goodies. My mother was also a good cook, however, she spoke fondly of my grandmother staying up at night putting the dressing in the oven, taking it out after it was done and then putting the capon and goose in the oven. Although not necessarily at the same time.

What is capon, you say?

Capon 2014

Most of the time when I tell people that my Grandmother prepared capon for Thanksgiving they would not know what I was talking about. My mother prepared the traditional turkey, but a capon was just as familiar and not strange at all.
A capon is a castrated rooster that is fattened to make the meat more tender.
Growing up, I did not know what a capon was. It was not until I became in adult that I learned more about it. I knew the bird was a chicken; but that was all. After I was married, I went to my local Farmer’s Market and saw a fresh capon available. I felt nostalgia inside, thinking back to my childhood. I purchased it and prepared it for my husband who never had capon before. My husband really enjoyed it and when he asked me what type a bird it was. We were wondering, so we some research. When I found out what a capon was, it equipped me with knowledge. It kinda felt like I came to the table thinking I was eating something completely different than what I thought I was eating. It’s my choice if i want to continue to cook capon for Thanksgiving.  Really, people don’t realize how their meat comes to the table so it’s smart to be a wise consumer whether chicken, beef, fish, whatever. It’s really something to see that capon is now considered to be a delicacy and has been around since the middle ages.
Will I stop eating meat? No. Will I have capon every Thanksgiving as an adult? No. I have had it twice since my childhood.

Childhood Memories
I had great childhood memories of my Mother, my Dad, and I lived right around the corner from my Grandmother. I  spent practically all my Thanksgivings with her. She was a strong woman of faith and I can’t tell you how much wisdom and knowledge that she instilled in her children and in me. She was better than a cook. She was a diva chef who taught me many different recipes and cooking capon was a small facet of that. Thanksgiving also meant picking and cleaning collard greens, picking string beans and peeling potatoes. She would bake at least ten sweet potato pies and give out to her family to take home with them.

I will never forget my Grandmother taking the time to show me how to make biscuits in her kitchen. She worked as a cook in a high school cafeteria and it’s amazing how I will hear students talk about how they remembered Ms. Blue.

1967 Sumner year book

I would remember my mother, grandmother and I would go to the grocery store and the cashier would say look at the three generations.These memories are so precious to me because my Grandmother, my mother, and my Daddy are in heaven.  So take hold of those special memories and don’t take your family for granted. If you haven’t told them you love them call them up and tell them.

If you are by yourself on this Thanksgiving Day, remember that you are not alone. God is always with you and He loves you.

Highlights: Joyce Meyer Ministries Love Life Conference

Hello Beautiful people,

The 2017 Love Life Conference with Joyce Meyer was an awesome experience. A friend was attending the event and I thought that it would be good for me to go with her. After the three-day conference, I felt encouraged and uplifted by the powerful messages and praise and worship music. I always want to be better in every area of my life.

All that Glitters Michael W. Smith Opening Song

The conference brought together 26,000 women from all over the United States and across the world. The musical guests at the event were Chris Tomlin for the opening night, Michael W. Smith (pictured above with confetti in the air, singing his new song on an upcoming album on the second day), and CeCe Winans on the last day. It was like going to a concert.

Images of the conference

The doors opened at 8:00am for the morning sessions, so my friend and I had to get up extra early so we could be there in plenty of time. My handy backpack was ideal because I had everything I needed in one spot.

Love Life Joyce Meyer Conference

The speakers were Joyce Meyer, Dave Meyer, Joel Olsteen, John Gray and Ruth Graham.
This conference celebrated the enjoyment of living life to the fullest. I needed those words because sometimes I don’t feel I am special. I constantly remind myself that I am unique and God loves me.

Highlights of Speakers

The lines were long in downtown St. Louis getting into the conference. My friend and I waited in line to get into Sugarfire Restaurant between sessions. However, everyone was nice and cordial, so the wait was not bad at all. Somewhat hot and humid day; but it was not bad.

SugarFire Restaurant

After waiting in line for an hour and a half to get into Sugarfire Restaurant the smoked turkey breast and fries was worth the wait.


One of my favorite highlights of the conference was the Dream Center Mens’ Choir. They sung, “I Am Redeemed,” by Big Daddy Weave. These men have dealt with various addictions, and they have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior and singing how their lives have been changed. It was a moving moment.

Love Life Conference Haul

I have some reading to do after picking up some items from the conference. I even found an inspirational bracelet.

My Love Life Haul

I am glad I was able to attend the Love Life Conference because this is the last time it will be in St. Louis, MO. I didn’t know that initially going to the event.The conference next year will be in Tampa, Florida.

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