Parents can do a lot to help their teens do well in school by keeping them informed and giving them some support and direction. Even though teens want to be on their own, parental help is essential to doing well in school.
Go to Parent-Teacher Conferences and Back-to-School Night
Teenagers do better in school when their parents help them study. You can learn a lot about your teen’s teachers and what they expect by attending the school’s open house or back-to-school night. School administrators may talk to parents and guardians of juniors and seniors about school-wide programs and rules, and options for after high school.
Attending parent-teacher conferences is another way to find out what’s going on. However, in high school, these conferences are usually only set up when parents need to help with problems like destructive behavior, not meeting grade-level expectations, or getting more out of advanced class work.
Have A Look At The School’s Website When you talk to your teen about the school, knowing how the building and grounds are set up can help you connect with them. It’s helpful to know where the main office, school nurse, cafeteria, gym, athletic fields, auditorium, and special classes are.
On the school’s website, you can find information about:
– Contacting school staff about special events like dances and class trips
– Dates of tests, current grades, and unfinished work
– Information on how to sign up and when for sports, clubs, and other activities outside of school
– Help for students with life after high school
– High school mental health activities
– Many teachers have their own websites with links to textbooks and other resources and information about homework, quizzes, and tests. There are often extra resources for parents and students on the district, school, or teacher websites.
Help With Homework In high school, there is more homework, and grades are more critical for college plans. Students who want to attend college must also study for the SATs or ACTs. Many teens are learning how to balance school, jobs, and social lives during all these changes.
Make sure your teen has a place to study that is quiet, well-lit, and free of distractions. This is an important thing you can do to help. Distraction-free means you can’t use the phone, TV, or websites that aren’t related to your homework. Make sure to check on your teen every so often to make sure they haven’t gotten sidetracked.
Sit down with your teen regularly to discuss his or her schedule and ensure it’s fair. Also, help him or her stick to a homework and study schedule.
Tell your teen that it’s okay to ask for help when they need it. Most teachers are available before or after school to help students who need it, and they may also be able to suggest other resources.
Offer Your Help With Homework Planning is crucial if you want to help your teen study while they are juggling homework from different subjects. Since grades matter in high school, it’s essential to plan for studying, especially if your teen is busy with activities outside of school.
When your teen has a lot to study, help them break it up into smaller tasks and stick to the schedule on the studying calendar so that they don’t have to study for multiple tests all at once. Remind your teen to take notes in class, organize them by subject, and go over them at home.
If your teen gets good grades, he or she might not need help studying. But if grades start to drop, it might be time to step in. Most parents still need to help their teens with organization and studying. Just because they’re in high school doesn’t mean they can do this independently.
You can help your teen study and remember things by asking simple questions, asking them to fill in the missing word, or taking practice tests. The more ways like writing, reading, speaking, and listening to the brain uses to process information, the more likely it is that the information will be remembered. Repetition of words, re-reading passages aloud, rewriting notes, visualizing information, or drawing it all help the brain remember things.
Get Involved Helping out at your teen’s high school is a great way to show that you care about their education.
Keep in mind, though, that some teens like to see their parents at school or at school events, while others might feel embarrassed. Follow your teen’s lead to figure out how much interaction is best for both of you and if your volunteering should be done in the background. Make it clear that you’re not there to spy on people; you’re just trying to help the school community.
Parents and guardians can take an active role by: – Serving as a grade-level chairperson, organizing or working at fundraisers and other special events like bake sales, car washes, and book fairs, or working at a concession stand at a sports game.
– Taking care of kids on school trips, dances, and proms
– Attending school board meetings
– Joining the school’s parent-teacher group working as a library assistant, mentoring or tutoring students reading a story to the class, giving a talk for career day, going to school concerts, plays, and sports games
– Check the school or school district website to see if any volunteer opportunities work with your schedule. Even if you only give a few hours during the school year, your teen will remember it.
Attendance Is Important If a teen has a fever, feels sick, is throwing up, or has diarrhea, they should stay home from school. Aside from that, it’s vital that they get to school every day on time because having to catch up on classwork, projects, tests, and homework can be stressful and make it hard to learn.
Teens may not want to go to school for many reasons, such as being bullied, having hard homework, getting bad grades, having social problems, or having problems with classmates or teachers. Talk with your teen, and then maybe with a school administrator or counselor, to find out what’s making him or her nervous.
Students may also be late to school because they didn’t get enough sleep. Keeping your teen on a regular sleep schedule can help him, or she avoid being tired and late.
Be Open About Communicating About School Parents and guardians can find it hard to keep in touch with their teens because they spend so much time away from home at school, in extracurricular activities, on the job, or with their friends. High school students spend most of their time discovering new interests and making new friends. However, their parents and guardians are their primary sources of love, guidance, and support.
Try to talk to your teen every day so he or she knows you care about what happens at school. When teens know that their parents care about how well they do in school, they will also work hard in school.
Because communication is a two-way street, how you talk and listen to your teen can affect how well he or she listens and responds. You must listen carefully, make eye contact, and not do other things simultaneously when you talk to someone. Don’t talk to your teen; talk with him or her. Make sure to ask questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
Aside from family meals, good times to talk are driving (though you don’t have to make eye contact), walking the dog, cooking, or waiting in line.
When teens know they can talk to their parents about anything, it can be easier for them to deal with high school problems.
We are one week in, and we pray this year is off to a fantastic start for you. My hubby and I have not made resolutions for several years. We have found that resolutions just don’t work for us because they set us up for failure. After all, you don’t have a plan. However, we spend time at the end of the year to reflect on what went well and what needed improvement. And from that, we look at setting goals for the new year. Reading books is one of the areas that we examined. We realized that the for the amount of spiritual and personal growth we desire for our life, we had not completed enough books in 2022. So for the new year, we aim to read or listen to at least one book each month.
JT and Hubby in Verona, Italy
Other areas we have examined and reflected on include health, fitness, relationships, travel plans, date night ideas, fun time activities, and getting more rest. Now, this does not mean that we have it all planned out by January 1st and that we are mode of accomplishing these goals. We know that these will always be in a constant state of examination and reflection, with tweaking and adjusting as needed. It takes the pressure off of knowing that we must figure it all out at the beginning of the year. To complete one book per month, we decided to spend thirty minutes per day reading or listening. Right now, we are examining what time of day is the best to complete this task and if it is possible to do it every day or if we should aim for four to five days per week.
Giveaway Winner Announcement We wanted to end the year with a giveaway to say THANK YOU to all our fabulous followers. Some of you have been with us for years, while others are new. We wanted to thank you for sharing our journey through life – an elegant and graceful life. The winner of our giveaway is
~~~ Shannon G ~~~
Congratulations, Shannon! YEAH! You will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a Better Life Journal from Dean Graziosi. We will be in contact with you about getting your items to you.
Our next giveaway starts in a couple of days. Stay tuned for your chance to win a copy of the new TEXT Bible.
As 2022 draws to a close, my hubby and I are reflecting and feeling grateful and thankful. We hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa with family and friends. If you are not with family and friends, we pray that you have peace and know that you are loved and are not alone. If you do not celebrate the holidays, we hope you are well; know that you are loved and have peace.
Thank you for being a part of our blogging family. We write because of you. Every comment and every view is deeply appreciated. We do not take it for granted. We pray 2023 is prosperous physically, spiritually, financially, and in your relationships.
The Christmas Story For my hubby and I and our family, we also reflect on the true meaning of the Christmas message. We spend time reading Luke 2 and Matthew 1 in the New Testament, which tells about the birth of Jesus. Without the birth of Jesus, there is no death on the cross, no resurrection, and no everlasting life in Him. In our latest YouTube video, I read these passages from the Bible. I include action steps to receive your Christmas miracles, as taught by our pastor.
One thing that I want to continue in 2023 is journaling because I can always go back and see what I have written that I am thankful for. When I need encouragement, I can go back to my journal to remind me to be grounded in thankfulness for what God has done for me. If you don’t like to write, it can be bullet points. Here is a sample entry from the journal:
Father God, In the Name of Jesus, I am thankful for the following:
A colleague I helped at work today.
Keeping a positive attitude despite how I may feel.
I got in my piano practice today.
*These are some examples, but it can be three things that you feel grateful for that day. You can write down three things before you go to bed.
Giveaway We offer our readers one last giveaway in 2022 to celebrate a successful year for Bubbling With Elegance And Grace.
To enter, you need to leave a comment below, telling us one thing you are thankful for in 2022. The winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a Better Life Journal from Dean Graziosi. The giveaway will close on Friday, January 6, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time). The winner will be randomly selected from the comments and announced on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
This giveaway is limited to U.S. residents; the winner must provide their complete mailing address and email address to receive the prizes.
Whether you’re overwhelmed at work or dealing with issues in your personal life, it can sometimes feel as though peace is hard to come by. After all, there’s so much happening in the world around us (and within our own minds), that we’ve come to accept feelings of stress and anxiety as part of our routine.
However, it does not have to be that way – and it’s crucial that you make positive changes that will enable you to better care of your mental health. With that in mind, here are some simple ways to find peace in your daily life.
Identify the cause Sometimes, it can feel as though we are stressed or anxious for no good reason – whether these feelings manifest in our thoughts or through physical symptoms such as dizziness and chest palpitations. However, identifying your stressors will enable you to reduce your exposure to them or at least help you determine which coping mechanisms come in handy during these times.
Turn to your faith Whether you are a part of the Living Church of God or a smaller church, many people find peace through reaffirming their faith. For example, you could attend church more regularly or pray. Many people also find that faith can help with loneliness and anxiety by providing you with a community to rely on when things get tough.
Practice self-care Adopting daily self-care habits is another great way to find peace in your daily life. This is because self-care is geared toward teaching you how to relax but ensuring that your needs are met daily. Simply put, the more you practice self-care, the less likely you neglect your wants and needs, making finding peace within yourself much more manageable.
Accept what you can’t control Sometimes our worries and anxieties are grounded in practicality. For example, you may be worried about a job interview as you want this new position. However, on other occasions, worries are impractical because what we worry about is beyond our control. For example, this could include worrying about the weather in a few days. Accepting what you cannot control will help you find peace, as you’ll be able to spend less time in your head thinking about the what-ifs.
Learn from, then let go of, your mistakes We all make mistakes from time to time – but how we respond to them determines how they impact us. For example, when you hold onto a mistake and continue to chastise yourself for it, or wonder what other people are thinking, you’re putting a barrier between yourself and peace. However, when you view the mistake as an opportunity to grow or learn something, you can put the past behind you and move forward with your head held high. In short, it stops you from dwelling on the past, so you can focus on the present.
Do you believe your past dictates your current situation and affects your future? That is the topic of the new movie PAUL’S PROMISE, which is based on the true story of Paul Holderfield.
Set in the late 1960s at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, PAUL’S PROMISE chronicles a pivotal point in Paul’s life. As his mother nears the end of her life, Paul must heal from the pain caused by an abusive father and correct how he treats his family and friends.
PAUL’S PROMISEis the movie everyone needs to see in 2022. It brings to light many vital topics, including racism, faith, family, forgiveness and facing past demons. This is one man’s story of emotional trauma and battling with whether to change his life.
Josef and his wife
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Mama praying
You will see some familiar faces in this movie. If you remember watching Matlock or have seen the reruns, you will know Linda Purl and Nancy Stafford. If you have seen the Superman television series, you will remember Dean Cain.
Here is a sneak peek of the movie’s trailer.
PAUL’S PROMISEdebuts in theaters on Friday, October 21st. Click HERE to purchase your tickets at a theater near you.
Giveaway Announcement Collaborating with Momentum Influencers and Damascus Road Productions, one of our readers will win a $10 Amazon gift card.
It is simple to enter the giveaway!
Leave a comment below answering the question: Do you Believe a Heart can be changed?
The giveaway runs through Thursday, October 27th at 11:59 pm (Central Time).
One comment will be selected randomly, and the winner will be announced on Friday, October 28th.
**Please Note: This giveaway is limited to only residents of the United States.
Many thanks to Damascus Road Productions for our team to preview PAUL’S PROMISE and write this review. The opinions are 100% my own.
I’m sending you a note, like a family member would stop by and say hello, to check up on you. If you have not scheduled your annual mammogram checkup, it is time to get it done. I have my check-up every year in June as a way to remember my mother, and for myself and my family.
Are you saying in your head, “I’m afraid”? Don’t be afraid, for 2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind. Many websites offer information about breast cancer and offer ways to help, including and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. It should be a part of your routine checkups on your health and wellness plan. Statistics show that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, and in 2022 more than 40,000 women are expected to die from the disease. One way to bring those numbers down is to have annual checkups with your doctor and to get your mammogram.
QVC is donating $50,000 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). If you want to help the cause, you can shop or make a donation at the QVC website. Such a great way to support.
Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This is a loving reminder from the Bubbling with Elegance and Grace Team to encourage you to get your mammogram, and then to encourage another woman to get hers. The more women we reach, the healthy all women can be.
Learn More About JT Bubbling with Elegance and Grace is a place for life long learners. The Bubbling With Elegance And Grace team was created 14 years ago. A passion for fashion sparked a lifestyle blog for our Elegant Community to enjoy. We are thankful and in gratitude to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for those who have been with us from the beginning and those who have just started riding with us on this lovely journey.