Redeeming Love #GirlsNightOut Giveaway!

Hello Beautiful People,

Have you ever felt like there is no way out and that you have nowhere to turn until you realize that God was right there all the time?
I believe that we all had those feelings at some time in our lives, including author Francine Rivers. Rivers’ best-selling novel Redeeming Love comes to the big screen on January 21. In this video, Rivers shares a glimpse of how the movie came to life, followed by its trailer.

Redeeming Love Author and Movie Trailer

We are excited to offer two ways to enter the Redeeming Love #GirlsNightOut Giveaway!

First Opportunity: Book Group Members
Are you a part of a book club that has read or is reading Redeeming Love? We want to hear from you. Post a picture of yourself or your group reading the book, tag your fellow club members in your social media post and use the hashtag #redeeminglovegirlsnightout – then answer the question “what part of the book are you most looking forward to seeing on the big screen?

Submit your photos by January 12th for your chance to win a private screening when the movie premieres on January 21st. Improve your chances of winning by posting across multiple platforms and multiple times.

*One winner will be chosen from all of the photos submitted.

Second Opportunity: Blog Followers
One of our followers will receive a copy of the movie-edition book and two (2) fandango codes to see the film opening weekend. To enter the giveaway, let us know in the comment section if you have read the book or why you would want to see the movie. Comments will be accepted until January 12th at 11:59 pm (CT) One winner will be selected at random and announced on this blog.

Thank you for entering The Redeeming Love #GirlsNightOut Giveaway!

For hosting this giveaway, will receive one copy of the book and two(2) fandango codes total to use to see the film opening weekend.


5 Helpful Hobbies for Mental Illness

Mental health is an important topic that needs to be discussed more openly. Whether you have a mental illness or know someone who does, it’s essential to understand the different ways in which we can support those with mental illnesses. One way of showing your support is through hobbies and activities that promote healing and self-love. In this blog post, I will share five helpful hobbies for mental illness.

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

There is a reason why yoga has become so popular in recent years. Not only is it an effective way to get in shape, but it’s also great for improving mental health. Yoga helps to increase mindfulness and awareness, which can be beneficial for those who suffer from depression or anxiety. It can also help you learn how to control your breath and focus on the present moment, both of which are essential skills for managing a mental illness. If you’re unsure where to start, I recommend checking out some beginner yoga poses. There are plenty of tutorials online that can walk you through the basics. Or, if you prefer, you can attend a yoga class at your local gym or studio. Just make sure to speak with the instructor beforehand to see if they have experience working with a mental illness.

Art Therapy
Art therapy is a form of counseling that uses art to help people express their thoughts and feelings. It can be beneficial for those who have difficulty verbalizing their emotions and those who want to explore their creative side. In addition to helping with mental illness, art therapy can also help improve overall mood and self-esteem. If you’re interested in giving it a try, there are plenty of online classes and tutorials that can get you started. You could also look into local art therapy groups, art supplies, or studios in your area.

Gardening is a great way to get outside and enjoy nature. It’s also been shown to be beneficial for mental health. Gardening can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve moods and increase feelings of happiness. If you’re unsure where to start, I recommend checking out some gardening tips or watching a few how-to videos online. You could also join a local gardening group or visit a botanical garden in your area.

Cooking is a great way to express yourself and relax after a long day. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a great way to get in touch with your inner chef. Cooking can also be helpful for those who have a mental illness. It can help improve moods, reduce stress, and increase feelings of happiness. If you’re unsure where to start, I recommend checking out some cooking tutorials online or borrowing cookbooks from the library. You could also join a local cooking group or visit a cooking school in your area.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of different hobbies that can be helpful for those who have a mental illness. The key is finding something that you enjoy, which feels safe for you. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes. The most important thing is that you’re taking care of yourself and taking steps to improve your mental health.

Ring The Bell Giveaway

Hello, My Beautiful People,

Have you ever felt drained from the work week, month, year and ready to relax?  God help me because I have felt like this, but God gives me a ray of light and peace. I so enjoy decorating, and it’s time to deck the halls and sing silver bells around the house and not forget if you need to add any extra ingredients to the list of the delicious recipes for the Christmas and New Years’ dinner and holiday treats.But wait a minute, all these things create beautiful memories but remember the valid reason for the season is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior’s birth with brought us everlasting life. During this Christmas, My hubby and I are reading through the bible with Tara Leigh Cobble Bible Recap on the bible app, and for the first time, we stuck with the plan together and learned new revelations each day. If you haven’t read through the whole bible or the new testament, I invite you to give it a try and see how the bible comes to life.  Whether you are decorating, singing silver bells, or ringing in the new year, please enter the Giveaway hosted by my virtual friend Katherine of Katherine’s Corner to win a welcome entry doorbell and a $50 Amazon or Target gift card.

Ring the Bell Giveaway

ring the bell giveaway

Please remember to subscribe and follow all of the hostesses so you can earn all of your entry opportunities –>

Katherine’s Corner

Casa Bouquet

An Artful Mom

Disclaimer from Katherines Corner: Some of Katherines giveaways may have sponsors and/or reviews included. Katherines Corner may receive compensation for reviews and advertising provided through a sponsored giveaway. However, no compensation will influence the outcome of any review or giveaway win. Katherines Corner provides reviews to readers in order to provide an informed decision before the purchase. Katherines Corner and its affiliate Bobskatie Enterprises reserves the right to not publish a review of a product or products that do not meet the specified instructions provided to product submission companies or individuals. Reviews are posted in the appropriate section at Katherines Corner and may also be posted on (subject to product availability). This disclaimer is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” To enter, please log into the entry form using your email address.

Have fun and Good Luck with the Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

New Year’s Resolution Ideas to Consider

With the New Year so nearly upon us again, many people are going to be giving thought to the kind of New Year’s resolutions they ultimately want to set for themselves.

As is always the case every year, New Year’s Resolutions have a lot of power to transform the course of an individual’s life potentially – but, all too often, they also end up “sticking” only for a relatively short period, before being dropped altogether.

Pixabay CC0 License

In any case, picking suitable New Year’s resolutions can increase the odds that you will stick with them and that they will have a severe positive impact on the course of your life over the next year, as well. 

Here are a few good New Year’s resolution ideas to consider.

Begin retraining for a new job or career path
There are all sorts of different career paths that you might potentially be interested in, many of which have an underlying purpose or calling associated with them.

Medical malpractice attorneys, for example, may feel that their profession is a way of living in line with their higher values.

Unfortunately, many people go through day-to-day life without being very pleased with their jobs and don’t find those jobs to be especially meaningful, either.

If you’ve been considering whether to start retraining for a new career – and maybe if you’ve been thinking about making a job change for an extended time but have never moved forward with that plan – it might be that beginning retraining for a new job or career path in the New Year could be the kind of resolution that could transform the direction of your life.

Making a career change can be daunting, certainly, but it can also be gratifying.

Take up a creative hobby – like drawing or writing – and stick with it for the year.
There are all sorts of fabulous creative hobbies out there, ranging from painting to pottery to creative writing – and all these kinds of activities may allow you to get in touch with a deeper and more intuitive part of yourself and to experience a greater sense of balance and personal expression regularly.

Of course, taking up a creative hobby is the kind of thing that requires a bit of consistency and investment of time and energy.

As a New Year’s Resolution, why don’t you take up a creative hobby like drawing or writing and commit to sticking with it for the year?

Practice being more proactive in general
In the highly acclaimed book, “Yes Man” (turned into a film with Jim Carrey), the author decides to “say yes to life more” – literally – and experiences many marvelous things as a result.

The most incredible life adventures happen when we take action and live proactively.

Introspection is all very well, but if you find that you’re consistently stuck in your head, actively being more proactive in general can be an excellent New Year’s resolution to choose for yourself.

Take Advantage Of These Substance Abuse Resources When You Need Them

Life does not always present people with a smooth and easy road. There are hard bumps, such as dealing with addiction. Whether it is for you or someone you love, there is help to get you on the road to recovery. Addiction and substance abuse are not insurmountable obstacles. You can overcome them and come out on the other side with grace and dignity.

Photo by Rizky Sabriansyah from Pexels

Image Credit

Addiction resources are available
When you are looking addiction in the face, it can seem impossible. It is not. There are a variety of treatment offerings available at You can find different options ranging from inpatient rehab facilities to outpatient rehab centers. Other types of treatment include 12 Step Drug Rehab programs in addition to Non 12 Step programs. Your financial situation will be considered when finding the best place to take care of your unique needs. Faith-based and luxury alternatives are available, as well.

Seek counsel
If you belong to a religious organization, speaking to a spiritual leader can often help. They will offer you specific perspectives and lessons rooted in your religion. The conversations can be clarifying and affirming opportunities to let go and ask someone else to shoulder the burden you have been carrying. Some houses of worship offer addiction support groups, too.

Individual and family counseling sessions with a private mental health provider are invaluable resources. A licensed counselor will offer coping mechanisms and ways to avoid enabling behaviors that keep the cycle of addiction from recurring. Regardless of where you are about recovery, counseling allows you to be heard and get help when you need it. 

Support for loved ones. Support for yourself
Even if you are not seeking services for addiction treatment yourself, if you have someone in your life doing so, you are impacted as well. There are many resources available to you to better cope with all of your life’s changes and challenging moments.

Seeking other people who have been through your situation or are experiencing it right now offers a measure of commiseration and support. Nar-Anon Family Groups can provide that emotional assistance to shepherd you through your loved one’s road to recovery. It means a lot to be in the presence of others who can honestly say, “I know what you are going through.” It is a confidential and anonymous group of people who share your experience.

When you feel overwhelmed by everything around you, take some much-needed time for yourself and simply be. Try to relax and be in the moment right where you are. Here is a video to help guide you in dealing with difficult emotions. Take time out for yourself to meditate with the video on good and bad days to keep you centered and relaxed.

Photo by Taha Samet Arslan from Pexels – Image Credit

Whether you are experiencing the life-gripping throws of addiction or if there is someone in your circle facing it, know that you are not alone. Seek out resources and get the help you all need to move forward towards a healthier and happier tomorrow.