Finding (My)Your Purpose

Hello Beautiful People,

Holidays are upon us and we often hear that everyone is in a chaotic fit to get that Thanksgiving meal set or start working on getting all those gifts set aside for Christmas. We are pushed to buy things that we can’t afford, however, the pressure is to impress and overspend. In the pressure, we feel that we are not good enough so failure mentality kicks in full effect.  When we hear all these different voices coming at us to buy, to impress, and to live above or means?

We call out to the Father in heaven and give thanks for all that He has done for us. Giving thanks is not saying that you are satisfied or settling for less. The Lord knows that I don’t have it all together, none of us do but as long as I lean on Him, I know that I’m moving forward.

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

There have been times when I have felt I have no value and that I didn’t matter.  In God’s word, I matter and you matter.

I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born. Isaiah 44:2a (CEV)

Rick Warren really taught how we do matter, it changed my perspective.

I am not famous, not popular, nor a billionaire and do not a very large circle of friends or family. My mother always told me that if you have one true friend you are blessed. In the Bible it says in Ephesians 1:4 (MSG) God created me to love me long before [God] laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love . . .

“I was made to last forever, God has long-range plans for my life.”

What On Earth am I here for?

Photo By Aaron Burden

Rick Warren’s online study is really open to finding my purpose in God. “It’s not about me it’s all about God.” We all matter to God.

If you believe that you need are in a dark hole and need to talk with some, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 (800) 273-8255.

Amber Vale Home Holiday Candle Sampler Set (Review and Giveaway)

Hello, Beautiful People,

Listening to holiday jazz and getting ready to decorate for Christmas. However, my hubby and I wait until the day after Thanksgiving to up the tree and decorate the house. Right now I am enjoying candles in my home that have aromas of evergreen and cinnamon. Although sometimes candles can be very strong that they can be overpowering because they are made with synthetic fragrances. I have been looking for clean-burn candles. I had the opportunity to collaborate with LEV3L Digital to review the Tennessee-based Amber Vale Home company.

Amber Vale Candle Tennessee Christmas

Michelle Huff, the founder of Amber Vale Home says on her website.

“When I think of home, immediately it conjures up a feeling — cozy spaces and memories shared with those I love. From the very beginning, I wanted Amber Vale Home to be a portal to get goods that help us design our spaces to create this cozy, heartwarming environment called home.”

Their candles were packed well with bubble wrap and paper shavings so each candle is protected and secure. The candles are made of soy and coconut wax blend that promotes a healthier environment for my family and yours. The candles are expertly made in small batches and are hand-poured. Many of their fragrances are phthalate-free, which means not breathing in bad chemicals from the candle we burn. And many of the fragrances contain essential oils which they say improve air quality naturally. One favorite addition is that each candle has wooden wicks, they crackle and pop and make you feel like you are sitting with a cup of cocoa right by the fireplace.

How do they smell?

The candle scent is not overpowering but a light delicate aroma. This is great for people who do not like a strong scent that fills the room.

The candle holiday set includes an assortment of holiday fair include Tennessee Christmas that smells like a fresh cut evergreen for a Christmas wreath, With Extra Whip reminds me of hot chocolate with extra toppings of peppermint and whip cream, and Gathering with holiday scents of orange and clove. This set of 4 oz. candles would be a great gift for a loved one or friend at an affordable price of $20. Now, how about entering the Giveaway to have a chance to win an Amber Vale Holiday 3 piece candle sampler.

Giveaway Details
~ Please leave a comment below and let me know what’s your favorite holiday song?
~ Please share on Facebook
~ Giveaway will close at 11:59 pm on Saturday, November 23, 2019
~ One person who leaves a comment will be selected at random to receive a candle set.
~ FTC Disclosure: We received our own 3 piece candle set in order to write this review and to host this giveaway.

Thank you LEV3L3 Digital and Amber Vale for giving me the opportunity to give my honest opinion and host this giveaway.


Tony Evans Study Bible (Giveaway Winner!)

Hello Wonderful People,

I pray that you are having an awesome beginning to your new week. The holiday season seems to be in full swing. Christmas movies are being shown on TV; while advertisements are being seen everywhere. In this most wonderful time of the year, it is important to step back and do not get overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of gift-buying, party-attending, and family-visiting. Take time to focus on what is important to you and your family, and do not let your focus be swayed.

If you are looking for a practical but ideal gift for your spouse or a loved one; you may want to consider the new Tony Evans Study Bible. A study bible is a great gift for anyone who wants to delve deeper into God’s Word and who wants to focus on the important things in his or her life. Recently, my hubby and I had a chance to review the new Bible, thanks to our partnership with LEV3L Digital. Look for the new study bible wherever Bibles are sold.

In conjunction with our review of the new Bible, we also hosted a giveaway where one of our readers would win their own copy of the study bible. We are happy to announce the winner is

Adella G.

Congratulations Adella!! YEAH!! We will send you an email about getting your new Bible to you.

And for everyone else, please stay tuned for our next giveaway, starting soon!!

Better Ways To Spend Your Free Time

Picture Source

There’s nothing like sitting down at the end of a long day and relaxing. Binge-watching some Netflix shows may be a fun way to spend your free time, but you might not want to spend the entire evening doing that. And you probably don’t want to spend the entire weekend doing that, either. Of course, it can be hard to think of fun and productive ways to use your spare time. When you’re not working or relaxing with friends and family, what should you do? Well, here are a few suggestions.

Start exercising
Okay, this might not be the exciting suggestion you expected to see at the top of the list. However, before you scroll past this point, consider the benefits of exercising. Physical activity can benefit your physical and mental wellbeing, so this could massively improve your mood, as well as your bodily health. And it doesn’t have to be a chore, either. You just have to find a form of exercise that appeals to you. If you don’t like the gym because it’s crowded and noisy, for example, then you could start doing press-ups at home. Or perhaps you just want to work out in a way that doesn’t feel tedious and repetitive. Maybe you could join a local dance class in your area. Or you could join a local basketball club. Exercise could become a social activity to do in your spare time. There are so many forms of physical activity in the world; all that matters is you find a way to get your body moving on a regular basis. Maybe you could start going on weekend hikes with your buddies, as a way of catching up and staying fit. Despite any reservations you might have, exercise doesn’t have to be boring. It could be a fun way to make use of your free time.

Learn an instrument
Another great use of your time might be to learn an instrument. Hobbies are always worthwhile if you’re trying to find an enriching way to spend your evenings and weekends. Music is a beautiful thing, so you could find it very relaxing and rewarding to master the art of playing an instrument. If you want to figure out whether it’s a hobby that’s right for you, before you pay for lessons, then you might want to try teaching yourself. You could do some research to learn how to play piano in 21 days. Mastering an instrument takes time, but learning the basics is quicker than you might think. This could become a very rewarding hobby for you in the space of a few weeks.

Meditating could be a therapeutic use of your free time, too. Your emotional wellbeing matters, and regular meditation could be a great way to safeguard the health of your mind. It helps to relieve stress and anxiety, but it can also benefit the health of your heart. Your physical wellbeing can be improved by this mental exercise. Practice breathing and focusing on the present moment. This could help you to unwind at the end of a long day. It could be a great way for you to relax in your free time.

Holiday Sparkle Giveaway

Hello, Elegant Lovelies!

I hope your week has been filled with much awesomeness. This week has been colder than usual and it actually snowed almost three inches on Monday. I was so excited because I really like when the snow falls and it creates a wonderful sparkle in the sky. There is nothing more beautiful than a little holiday sparkle to make the days more bright.

Here is your chance to win some of that holiday sparkle in a new giveaway.

The annual Season of Giveaways at Katherines Corner continues with one awesome prize after another. It is time for giveaway #4 and I’m joining Katherine and her hostesses this week. There is a new giveaway every Saturday until Dec.14th. That is 8 Giveaways!

Please remember to subscribe and follow Katherine, her Sponsor, and all her Hostesses to earn all your entry opportunities.

Katherine – Katherines Corner

Lisa — Casa Bouquet

Karren — Oh My Heartsie Girl

Diane — Mamal Diane

JT Wisdom — Bubbling with Elegance and Grace

Disclaimer -from Katherines Corner-Some of Katherines giveaways may have sponsors and/or reviews included. Katherines Corner may receive compensation for reviews and advertising provided through a sponsored giveaway. However, no compensation will influence the outcome of any review or giveaway win. Katherines Corner provides reviews to readers in order to provide an informed decision before the purchase. Katherines Corner and its affiliate Bobskatie Enterprises reserves the right to not publish a review of a product or products that do not meet the specified instructions provided to product submission companies or individuals. Reviews are posted in the appropriate section at Katherines (subject to product availability). This disclaimer is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

To enter please log into the entry form using your email address.

Have Fun and Good Luck in the Giveaway!

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