The weekend is a special time. The holidays are coming up very soon, and you’re going to want to focus most of your attention on your Christmas and New Years plans, but there’s also a good chance you’ve got some free weekends on your hands for the next month or so. Have you got any ideas for what you can do with them? Maybe you just want some downtime, to spend at home or on the sofa. Moments like these are rare, after all!

If you’ve got some spare time coming up, and you don’t have any plans or immediate concerns to fill up the time with, then why not use some of the ideas below? If you’re someone who tends to get easily bored, or you’re looking to sprinkle a little more productivity into your life, why not start right now?

Make yourself a good cup of coffee and get working! (Unsplash)

Pick Up a New Hobby/Skill
Hobbies are what keep us quiet and happy when we have nothing else to get on with, and they’re a good way to unwind and excel in fields of our own choosing. Maybe work’s gotten to you, maybe you’re just a bit bored, why not pick up a new skill whilst you have fun?

Learn a new language, learn how to play an instrument, learn how to knit and put a sweater of your own creation together – those are some of the best skills to get to grips with, but the list goes on and on!

Make Yourself a Bit More Money
You’ve got about 48 hours to spare right now, why not turn your mind to the financial freedoms you could lay on yourself? Not to mention, you don’t have to do any kind of traditional work here – there’s plenty of ways to make money in your spare time, especially if you have an internet connection! So if you’re looking into how to make cash fast, you can do so right now with a quick Google search!

Try Out a Bit of Hiking
Hiking is something we should all try to do more of, seeing as walking is the most beneficial exercise your legs can go through. It works all the muscles in your legs, and when you’re headed uphill at a brisk pace, it’s the one movement out there that works best to reduce any cellulite you might be a little insecure about!

Not to mention, the more you can get outside, the better you’re going to look and feel. You’ll be more exposed to the sun, soaking up plenty of Vitamin D and producing plenty of serotonin, and you might just get a lovely glow to your skin at the same time! Take your camera with you and snap some wonderful shots of the scenery, and get some Insta worthy shots of you celebrating nature and your position in it.

A spare weekend is wonderful for spending some time on yourself and your own prospects, so enjoy yourself!

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