Parents sacrifice a lot to take their children to the best schools. They get disappointed when the child performs poorly. However, before you jump to a conclusion, it is essential to know why your child is performing poorly in the first place. Identifying the root cause enables you to make the right decisions to help your child.

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Reasons Why Your Child Might Be Performing Poorly

Is your child having health problems you have tried to find help about it? Have a primary care doctor examine your child’s health. Your child may be performing poorly due to sickness.

Learning disability
Before you shout at your child for being a failure, establish whether they have a learning disability. A learning disability is a neurological processing problem that affects many children.

It interferes with a child’s reading and writing skills. It can also affect memory retention, time planning, and reasoning. Learning disabilities are not limited to classrooms and can affect a person’s relationships and career. Individuals with this problem have average intelligence. There is no cure for learning disability, but support helps the child to cope with the condition. Dyslexia is an example of a learning disability that affects many kids worldwide.

Social-emotional issues
Kids with social-emotional problems perform poorly. They have a difficult time interacting with their peers and teachers. Emotional issues can be a result of how a child was brought up. A child who is brought up in a chaotic environment is bound to have emotional difficulties.

Moreover, kids with anger problems tend to perform poorly because they cannot heed instructions. They do not take criticism kindly but consider it a personal attack. When a teacher guides such a child, they see it as a waste of time and gets angry. Does your child have anger issues? Perhaps it is about time you talked about it.

Kids who are bullied are traumatized and don’t concentrate in class. Your child keeps rewinding the ordeal in his mind instead of focusing in class. It is worse if the school lacks anti-bullying policies. Your child may not open up due to the fear that things might get worse. They will keep quiet, hoping for things to get better.

However, bullies never change or stop picking on others. Talk to your child and reassure them of your full support. If they are being bullied, talk to the administration about it and do follow-ups. Some schools make promises they don’t intend to keep. They promise to investigate and get to the root of the issue but sleep on it. Prevent this from happening by calling the school regularly to ask for progress.

Dysfunctional homes
You cannot expect a child to perform well in school if your home is a war zone. Parents who fight always disrupt a child’s learning. Instead of focusing on school, your child is thinking about how bad things are at home. This is a lot of burdens to put on a child. Before you castigate a child for failing, are you the cause? Do you have marital issues that could be affecting the child? Remember, dysfunctional homes not only affect your child’s education but entire life.

Final Thought
Don’t compare your child to another because every child is different. Instead, encourage your child to pursue his dreams and help in any way you can. Get your child a puppy as a reward when they improve in their studies. Solve problems that could be interfering with your child’s learning.

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