Hi Elegant Readers,

Today, Wednesday, April 29th,  is “Denim Day” which is a day for men and women to stand up against sexual violence.
Show solidarity through fashion wearing denim for a purpose.



I came across  Alert ID which is a valuable resource on how to protect yourself from sexual assault and resources on how to get help.

“There are things you can do to reduce your chances of being sexually assaulted. Follow these tips from the National Crime Prevention Council.”

* Be aware of your surroundings — who’s out there and what’s going on.

*Walk with confidence. The more confident you look, the stronger you appear.

*Know your limits when it comes to using alcohol.

*Be assertive — don’t let anyone violate your space.

* Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in your surroundings, leave.

* Don’t prop open self-locking doors.

* Lock your door and your windows, even if you leave for just a few minutes.

* Watch your keys. Don’t lend them. Don’t leave them. Don’t lose them. And don’t put your name and address on the key ring.

* Watch out for unwanted visitors. Know who’s on the other side of the door before you open it.

*Be wary of isolated spots, like underground garages, offices after business hours, and apartment laundry rooms.

*Avoid walking or jogging alone, especially at night. Vary your route. Stay in well-traveled, well-lit areas.

* Have your key ready to use before you reach the door — home, car, or work.

* Park in well-lit areas and lock the car, even if you’ll only be gone a few minutes.

* Drive on well-traveled streets, with doors and windows locked.

* Never hitchhike or pick up a hitchhiker.

* Keep your car in good shape with plenty of gas in the tank.

* In case of car trouble, call for help on your cellular phone. If you don’t have a phone, put the hood up, lock the doors, and put a banner in the rear mirror that says, “Help. Call police.”
8.5x11_Campaign_PosterI have a few tips that I wanted to add for you to take note.

1. Before you get into the car check underneath your vehicle and check the seats before you get in to make sure no one is lurking or hiding.
2. Make sure your car keys are in your hands before you get to the car and you are not fumbling through your purse looking for them.

Awareness can be shown today through wearing denim, however its only the beginning as the poster says above.

 Get Involved

Wear jeans, jean jacket, shirt or something denim on April 29.

Educate yourself and others on the issues.

Support survivors of sexual assault.

National Crime Prevention Council


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