There has never been such an emphasis as now on our mental health. With many celebrities speaking about it and things like social media giving everyone a voice, it is no longer the taboo it was once perceived as. Because of this, more of us than ever are seeking help when it’s needed and working to better the way we feel about things in our life. There isn’t a real reason we might feel anxious or worried, but it can have a tangible impact on our lives, so it’s vital to get it nipped in the bud before it gets any worse. If you are suffering with your mental health, it’s essential to realize that you are not on your own and many people also feel the same way. If you are currently feeling down or worried, we have put together some top tips that should help you with your mental health and have you feeling back to normal, hopefully soon.

Monitor how you use social media and how it makes you feel
We live in a time when social media is used by almost everyone. Whether you are someone who loves to post on things such as Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, or if you just like to scroll through and see what everyone else is up to, the choice is yours. Yet it is crucial to see how social media makes you feel. Do you come off of it feeling happier? Or do you find that you constantly compare yourself to everyone, making you feel sad or worried that you’re not good enough? Consider how it makes you feel and ensure you stay safe on social media. You don’t know what harmful content can be, so social media safety is paramount.

Have a healthy diet
Your diet can play a big part in how you feel, which is why it’s vital you treat your body well. Try to eat plenty of nutritious fruit and veg and drink enough water. This depressant can stimulate anxiety if you go out and drink a lot. Instead, why not switch to alcohol-free drinks at a party? This way, you still feel like you’re drinking something nice, but it doesn’t give you the same comedown as a hangover the next day. With this diet change, you should also ensure you get plenty of exercise; whether down the gym or a local class, find something you enjoy. This will release endorphins and help you to feel happier.

Speak to someone
Keeping it all bottled up is one of the worst things you can do, no matter how small and trivial your problem might seem. To combat this, speak to someone such as a friend or family member. If you find they aren’t able to help, it could be worth talking to a therapist or specialist who will be able to share special techniques to help you cope with your anxiety. Remember that keeping it bottled up will only make your thoughts escalate, so let it out. You could also try journaling as an outlet for yourself.

Take time to look after yourself.
When you are feeling anxious, you need to take care of yourself. Think of things you can do that you love and that make you feel happy and relaxed. This might be going for a spa day, reading a book with a cup of tea, or going for a long walk. It doesn’t need to be anything overly exciting or expensive. The important part is that you are taking time out to help yourself. Why not set aside one day a week that is just for you? This could be an hour or a whole day. Just make sure to take care of yourself.

These are a few things you can do to help your mental health. While your physical health is essential, it’s vital that the way you feel psychologically is, too, so don’t just brush it under the carpet. If you do this, it could escalate, and you may feel worse. You can do myriad things to aid your mental health, and whether you try one of the above tips, all of them, or something completely different, it’s just important you find something that works for you. Do you suffer with your mental health? If so, what do you do to help? Let us know in the comments below!

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