Hello Elegant Lovelies,

It’s spring and it’s time to tidy up and do some cleaning.  Isn’t it funny how when spring comes you see the dust and the work that needs to be done, outside as well. One good thing about the warmer burst during the winter is that my hubby and I were able to get outside and tidy up a bit, so there is not so much to do now.

Everyone has been buzzing about Marie Kondo and her, Tidying Up series on Netflix. If you haven’t seen it check out the trailer below.

Marie Kondo published a book titled, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing in 2014 and has been an instant best seller with over 14,000 reviews on Amazon.

The Marie Kondo Method is going from room to room, organizing what you do want that makes you happy and what doesn’t make you happy.  If a piece of clothing or another item in your house does not make you happy, you need to thank that item for serving you and put it in a separate pile.  In the Tidying Up episodes, it works for each family but it is not an instant organization overnight. The cleansing process can take more than a month and she doesn’t force people to throw things away.

I must admit I have been rolling my socks, tights, pajamas for a while now, even before I knew about the Marie Kondo method. The one thing that I didn’t do that I picked up from the series is that after you fold, stand your socks, tights, sweaters, etc. upright so you can see what you have in your chest-of-drawers. And put items in plastic crates so you can see what is in them. What you don’t see you will not go back to. I thought it was interesting that when she would go into a home she would want to greet it first by kneeling on the floor and closing her eyes.  She really wants to create a surrounding of peace because organizing a whole house can be quite overwhelming.

Why do I organize?

I organize because I live in a small house, and to be honest with you, too much clutter looks really bad and not good for the mind. An organized house no matter the size creates a peaceful surrounding. And I can design the room spaces of my house better because a lot of stuff is not in the way. I find it overwhelming to do a whole house at one time so I go room by room and that is also what Marie Kondo does in her show.
My mother would always tell me that if I didn’t keep my things in the proper place and organized than I wasn’t thankful for what I have. I have always remembered her saying that and I think that’s my push not to have clutter because it feels like chaos to me.

If you don’t know where to start with organizing a space or your chest-of-drawers I think it would be good for you to watch the Tidying Up series with Marie Kondo on Netflix.

I find that the key with organization is to stick with it. Meaning if your socks get out of place put them back in place and so on. If you do this for at least 15 days the process will start to become a habit.

Please let me know how de-cluttering works for you.

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