Music education is near and dear to my heart.  Playing an instrument can be enjoyable and relaxing.

Patience is a virtue and it is sorely lacking in the world today. Commercial media says you need this or that now, why wait later. This  microwave madness has to stop. This is especially true among children because many are impatient and undisciplined due to circumstances in their lives that are far beyond their control; like school, grades, and parental issues can play fact a factor in behavior. However, music soothe the soul and can spark many positive emotions. Learning to play a musical instrument, for example an acoustic guitar, can instill patience and has great benefits for children and adults of all ages. Discipline and patience make a great team of values for a child and are seen as character traits to be admired.

Physical Fitness
People at any age are always looking for the next big fad in physical fitness training. We go from yoga to jogging and various other trendy programs that help us stay slim and trim. Most people do not realize that learning to play the acoustic guitar is a workout in and of itself. Playing a complete session once you have learned to play is actually a very good workout and is a ton of fun in the process.

Being Part of Something Special
Have you ever envied the brotherhood and camaraderie of a sports team? The bond that players build and share is a very special one that lasts a lifetime. The same can be said of many bands that get together and play either in public performances or just for their own enjoyment. Music has often been at the root of some fine collaboration between musicians and that chemistry can be historic (think Lennon and McCartney). Learning to play the acoustic guitar and becoming part of a band can lead to many special relationships between you and other musicians, lyricists, (Elton John and Bernie Taupin) and even fans.


Finding Yourself
They say that some people go through life and never find who they truly are. Others find themselves but never get the chance to show that beautiful side of themselves to others. Learning to play a Gibson Acoustic Guitar can help you to not only reach your full potential, it can help you get in touch with who you really are and show that person to others. Once you have mastered an acoustic guitar… you are never quite as content as when you are playing for someone.

Achievements and Recognition
Learning to play the acoustic guitar fills people with a sense of achievement that is very fulfilling. While this is true of children, the beautiful part of it is that this feeling is also felt by adults who learn to play. In fact, the older you are, the better the feeling. It is like finally fulfilling a childhood dream that never came true. Recognition of your talent is not quite as good a feeling… but it does not hurt, that is for sure.


If you are one of those people who never really learned the art of self expression… guess what? That is correct; learning to play the acoustic guitar is a fantastic form of self expression unlike any other. Along with something like a FocusriteSaffire, you can learn to express yourself with a Gibson acoustic guitar.

What Have You Got to Lose?
This list encompasses but a few of the wonderful benefits that you can reap from learning to play the guitar or other instrument. There are many other wonderful things that can come about as well. If you have always wanted to learn to play, it is never too late. While we suggest the Gibson acoustic guitar, you can find less expensive guitars at flea markets, car boot sales, music stores, and your local pawn shop. Don’t waste another moment. Grab yourself a guitar and begin learning to express yourself in a wonderful way. What have you got to lose?

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