Party season is upon us and all those late nights, early starts and too much fun are beginning to take their toll. There are so many top tips we could tell you about how to look and feel your best over the Christmas season, but are you really going to turn down your staff party to head to bed early? Seems unlikely.Instead  the key is finding some balance. You don’t have to give up the fun times, but maybe you could include some serious downtime to avoid overload. We look at how you can find your normal even in a sea of festive craziness and frivolity.

Remember the water?
If you thrive on a liquid diet of caffeine and spirits at this time of year, it’s perfectly ok to take a break. Fill up an on-the-go bottle and remember to sip regularly throughout the day to get your fill. Your whole body is going to seriously thank you. It’s not just the fact that it helps keep your insides healthy, flushing out toxins; water also helps your vital organs function properly too. To top it off, drinking water regularly and you don’t have to drink gallons of the stuff, will keep your skin fresh and give your eyes some sparkle. If you find water a challenge to drink add some natural citrus fruit for added zing.

Invest in some products
Help combat the cold and the over indulgence with some special beauty products that will help give your skin a fighting chance of radiating health While no moisturiser in the land can undo the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, some healing balms will help your skin feel so much better. Opt for products with natural ingredients such as Nefera and get the ‘aaah’ factor as your skin soaks up some goodness.

Get some quality sleep
You might not get to lie in until noon but if you can invest some good quality hours in sleeping, then your mind and body is going to thank you for it. By good quality we mean, alcohol and caffeine-free and early enough so you’re not overtired but definitely won’t struggle dropping off. Don’t underestimate how much good a great night’s sleep will do you, setting you up perfectly for that college ball or family get-together.

Head outside
Pretty much the last thing any ne wants to do is go out in the cold and get some exercise but avoiding daylight is going to leave you feeling sluggish and slow, so wrap up against the elements and brave the great outdoors. Offer to walk a friend’s dog or run with a friend or colleague if it gets you out and about. If you really can’t face it then head to the gym and treat your body to a workout. Those endorphins released from having pushed your body hard will make the pain well worth it. Enjoy the holiday season even more by investing some time in yourself and help make next year, a year to remember.

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