Wow One year FBFF Anniversary!  Congratulations is in order.  Katy Rose from started this wonderful fashion blogging community and it is flourishing abundantly.  I joined the group by seeing KatyRose on LinkedIn, asking if anyone wanted to join Friend  Friday and the rest is history.  I have had a wonderful time and meeting some great people.  The group is a great community and is a great resource of information.

1.  When it comes to me personally:

-I get such a firm foundation in my faith in my Lord and Savior. I have to mention my faith because without it I would be lost. Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ strengthens me and every part of my life and I am so elated about knowing that deep inside.

My husband: What can say! He’s my best friend and I love him with all my heart. He pushes me to be the best. Constantly tells me I am beautiful when I’m totally too hard on myself. Honey if you are reading this I appreciate you so much and God truly gave me a gift when he gave me you. Love ya!

– I owe a lot of who I am to my parents. My Mother and Father did everything in their power to give me a good life and upbringing and was always there for me so that unconditional love is priceless.

-My husband asked me to please reconsider to show my face on my blog.   I didn’t want my face shown.  I am not a model and my cheek bones aren’t chiseled.  He said, I want you to post all of you so through hesitancy I did it any way.  I can say I am not fully comfortable even after two years, but it’s getting better.  Thanks for helping me push out the lack of self-worth out the window.

2. When it comes to me professionally – I owe a lot of who I am to:
My mother because she always pushed me to be the best, she never let me settle.  My Mother told me in grade school that I would be going to college and instilled in me that with hard work you can pursue your dreams.  I use to think that when I was a child that it was tough because while the other kids were playing I was studying.  I’m so thankful to them for putting that work ethic in me because it has helped me so much. My parents are with the Lord; but they are in my heart forever.

3. When it comes to the art of blogging, I’m grateful to these people for helping me through some rough spots trying to figure out blogville:

Bella from Citizen Rosebud: If there’s something that can make my blog better, Bella will tell me what I can do or what I need to fix. I appreciate that so much because she’s another fantastic person that’s great about having a community. Plus she is amazing with mixing patterns and prints, gifted.

Beautifully Invisible: When she moved to WordPress her tutorials helped me so much. Even though I moved from to WordPress self-hosted, I used a lot of her tips. Great Resource!

Vahni of Grit and Glamour:  She has such a wealth of knowledge on her blog and she’s fabulous with her outfit posts as well.  She is an all-around, great person who shares what she has learned and will show you what mistakes that you do not need to make so I am grateful.

Charee Lynee
She is full of encouragement and I really value that about her. All around fashion fierceness with a lot of charm.
Awesome shoes!

Michelle of Radiant Skin:
She’s straight with you and will not cut corners.  I love a person who tells it like it is and doesn’t hold back and that’s Michelle.  She’s a wonderful person who is grounded in her faith. Her skincare advice is really on point and her tutorials are excellent.

4. One blogging challenge I’m grateful happened because it made me
stronger was really pursuing the love of community involvement.  Not merely seeking followers but blog friends.  Have a percentage of people following me with no connection is no fun to me.  I am meeting so many fabulous people that if I didn’t really attempt to read a blog or comment there would of never been a chance to develop a connection.  Connection is so important in the blog world because it creates a bond. When we help each other and comment on each other blogs we are giving gifts of encouragement to each other so I am striving this year to comment more than ever.

I want to thank all my readers and followers.  I appreciate each and everyone of you.  You are so special and I am honored that you would take the time to stop by Bubbling with Elegance Grace.

Smooches to ya!

This post is linked to:
Seasonal Saturdays at la Bella Vita
Saturday Stalker Remix

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