I am special and there’s no need to compare

No need to look over my shoulder asking am I good enough

Is her hair longer prettier than my hair

No need to to compare I am beautiful

No need to compare I am Unique

No need to compare

She has a much prettier face than mine

No need to compare

No need to compare because God made me for this point in time

I am a priceless jewel.

I wanted to start with this poem because body image is a big thing with women because pictures are constantly shown in magazines of what you are suppose to look like. Suppose to look like mind you not what you should look like which is the face you see in the mirror everyday.

Katy from Modlychic had some interesting questions on body image this week so lets get to it.

1. Since you started blogging has your image of yourself changed?

My image of myself is better in that I will actually take pictures of myself. I am a very private person so for me to take pictures of myself and post them live for the world to see is a big stretch for me. We can all talk a big game and say what ever we want, but that was a monumental feet for me.

2. Are you self-conscious about any aspect of yourself? If so, do you go out of your way to avoid it or do you post it/talk about it anyway?
Yes, I am self-conscious about my hips and thighs. I am admitting this because
it’s true. I do not talk about it because being negative does me no good. That is the biggest part of me and no matter how much weight I lose it still effects me at times. My whole outfit can go up in smokes if my hips and thighs look big. So what do I do for a confidence booster?


With my husband, we pray and we continue to work out together. I have been working out four to five times a week for the last five years and it has helped me so much. Do I like working out for 45 to 60 minutes at a time with beads of sweat running down my face. Not all the time, but it feels so good inside and out. The adrenaline keeps going strong. I learned that weight and what I eat go together and if I find that happy medium I can achieve my goals. I have since last December lost ten additional pounds and two inches off my thighs, so I should be happy? Well sometimes I am not if it’s a certain outfit that doesn’t fit right like this one.


Is this from an Episode of What Not To Wear?
Well in this photo above, the palazzo pants I am wearing on the left do nothing for me. The straight leg pant on the right gives me length and my height back. It’s all in how you know what looks good on you.

Well it’s not me I now realize it’s that the outfit doesn’t fit me right so I need to find something else to wear. It’s not always me; it’s the clothes not fitting right. I had to realize that God made me and he didn’t make a copy so I have to be happy with myself first. Self-Love is not narcissistic; in order to love others I have to love me for that inward love to flow.

3. Based on how you are feeling now, what do you think the future holds in the evolution of your body image?

I think the future is bright and it’s not because I am wearing shades. It’s because I am feeling relaxed in my own skin and I am thankful for where I am in this point in time of my life. I will continually be prayerful and shut down that negativity.

4. Do you photograph yourself for your blog? If so, how do you feel about the experience when you’re having your picture taken? If you choose not to post pictures of yourself, what prompted that decision?

I use to not like taking pictures at all. I would rather put pictures of models on my blog at one time then of myself. My husband takes a lot of my pictures and he always builds me up too. I ask him to hold me accountable if I say anything negative about myself and he does. I appreciate that very much because it’s such a help to me.

5. What would you want every person who struggles with body image to take to heart?
No matter what size, shape or color that you are, you’re beautiful. God made all of us for a purpose and we all matter. We are all unique in our own special way.

This is one of my favorite scriptures:

Galatians 6:4 (TLB): “Let everyone be sure that they are doing there very best, for then will they have the personal satisfaction of work well done, and won’t need to compare themselves with someone else.”

This means that I don’t have to try to compete with others. All I have to do is make
sure I am doing my personal best. That’s freedom for me. So whether it’s my
weight, my dreams, whatever I don’t have to try to look over the fence because
it’s not necessary because I don’t need to.

Positive Affirmations

Someone told me about these positive affirmations that set the course of the day. Try it.

I know this may sound corny but it works. Stand in front of the mirror and say.
It may take some time to feel comfortable in front of the mirror.

I am going to have a great day today.

I am beautiful and loved.

I have so much to be thankful for (start naming what you
are thankful for).

I am talented and a good friend.

Repeat them if you need to or add in your own.

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