With the New Year so nearly upon us again, many people are going to be giving thought to the kind of New Year’s resolutions they ultimately want to set for themselves.

As is always the case every year, New Year’s Resolutions have a lot of power to transform the course of an individual’s life potentially – but, all too often, they also end up “sticking” only for a relatively short period, before being dropped altogether.

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In any case, picking suitable New Year’s resolutions can increase the odds that you will stick with them and that they will have a severe positive impact on the course of your life over the next year, as well. 

Here are a few good New Year’s resolution ideas to consider.

Begin retraining for a new job or career path
There are all sorts of different career paths that you might potentially be interested in, many of which have an underlying purpose or calling associated with them.

Medical malpractice attorneys, for example, may feel that their profession is a way of living in line with their higher values.

Unfortunately, many people go through day-to-day life without being very pleased with their jobs and don’t find those jobs to be especially meaningful, either.

If you’ve been considering whether to start retraining for a new career – and maybe if you’ve been thinking about making a job change for an extended time but have never moved forward with that plan – it might be that beginning retraining for a new job or career path in the New Year could be the kind of resolution that could transform the direction of your life.

Making a career change can be daunting, certainly, but it can also be gratifying.

Take up a creative hobby – like drawing or writing – and stick with it for the year.
There are all sorts of fabulous creative hobbies out there, ranging from painting to pottery to creative writing – and all these kinds of activities may allow you to get in touch with a deeper and more intuitive part of yourself and to experience a greater sense of balance and personal expression regularly.

Of course, taking up a creative hobby is the kind of thing that requires a bit of consistency and investment of time and energy.

As a New Year’s Resolution, why don’t you take up a creative hobby like drawing or writing and commit to sticking with it for the year?

Practice being more proactive in general
In the highly acclaimed book, “Yes Man” (turned into a film with Jim Carrey), the author decides to “say yes to life more” – literally – and experiences many marvelous things as a result.

The most incredible life adventures happen when we take action and live proactively.

Introspection is all very well, but if you find that you’re consistently stuck in your head, actively being more proactive in general can be an excellent New Year’s resolution to choose for yourself.

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