Smooth, radiant, clear skin can make you look and feel a million dollars. As the body’s protective barrier, the skin is exposed to the elements and environmental hazards, and it can also pay the price of lifestyle choices. If you’re keen to look after your skin and supercharge your skincare regime, here are some tips to shield and nourish your skin for a beautiful, bright complexion.

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and exfoliating
If you took a moment to do an online search, or you went to a store that sells beauty and skincare products, you’d be greeted with hundreds, maybe thousands of lotions, potions and links to online apothecaries and beauty brands. There is a vast array of products out there, so how do you go about choosing which to bring into your bathroom? One of the most important considerations for those looking for natural remedies for better skin is the ingredients used. Look for organic cleansers, toners and moisturizers made with natural substances and chemicals that are found in the body and focus on products that are tailored to your skin type. Try to avoid perfumed creams or lotions if you have sensitive skin and add hydrating products for dry skin and light and oil-free serums and cleansers for oily skin.

Exfoliating is an effective way to boost skin cell renewal and remove dead skin cells, but it is important to be gentle, especially if your skin is sensitive or irritable. You can use organic products or clean your skin with an abrasive sponge. If you’re looking for a new hobby, or you want to stick to natural cleansing and exfoliation techniques, you can even look into making a luffa sponge by following guides and tutorials online. Skincare experts usually recommend exfoliating once a week. After exfoliating, your skin should look brighter and it should also feel soft and supple. You may need to apply moisturizer to boost hydration if you’re prone to dry skin.

Image source: PIXABAY

Hydration is vital for healthy, youthful skin. If you’re dehydrated, your skin will be one of the first body parts to suffer. It’s particularly important to take plenty of fluids on board if you’re sweating due to exercise or if it’s hot outside. Sweating is a mechanism used by the body to cool down. When you sweat, you lose fluid, which needs to be replaced. If you’re doing a workout, or you’re going for a walk on a sunny, warm day, make sure you have a water bottle or a flask with you. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but you’ll need to increase the amount of fluid based on your individual needs.

Working up a sweat
Most of us know that exercise will benefit our heart and lungs and strengthen our muscles and bones, but did you know that working out can also nourish your skin? Exercising improves circulation, which increases blood flow. This helps to ensure that oxygen and essential nutrients reach the skin cells and that waste products, including free radicals, are eliminated. If you’re not already an active person, try and steadily increase the amount of exercise you do. Even low-intensity activities, including taking your dog for a walk, will make a difference. Health experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week for adults. You can include everything from cycling, swimming, yoga and playing tennis to hiking, jogging, trampolining and dance classes.

Picture courtesy of PEXELS

Sun protection
Many of us love nothing more than feeling the warm glow of the sun on our skin. While limited exposure to the sun is beneficial for the body because it helps to generate vitamin D, it’s vital to understand the risks of UV rays. No matter your skin tone or type, being out in the sun can cause damage to the skin cells and accelerate the aging process. If you are going outside on a warm day, or you’re enjoying a day at the beach or a vacation, apply sun lotion. Sun creams are designed to protect the skin from burning, but they also keep your skin nourished and hydrated. If you’re spending the whole day outdoors, or you’re going swimming, you’ll need to reapply every few hours. Avoid the intense midday sun if possible. When you get back to your hotel or you return home after an afternoon at the park or the beach, lathering on moisturizing lotion or after sun will help to revitalize and revive your skin.

Do you wish your skin was smoother, softer or more radiant? If so, you’re certainly not alone! For many of us, flawless skin is top of our beauty wish-list. The good news is that there are some very simple ways to take better care of your skin and enjoy a beautiful, vibrant complexion.

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