Hello Wonderful People!

I hope you having an awesome day!
Summertime is in full force with temperatures soaring into the mid-90s this weekend. Coupled with high humidity levels and it definitely is a good idea to be inside where it is cool. While my hubby and I have been staying inside whenever possible, we have also been heading outside to take care of our backyard tranquility. Owning your house means it’s good to keep the grass cut, the trees trimmed and we like to plant flowers. In the last couple of weeks while working outside, we have learned several valuable lessons. Not just about yard work and gardening; but about life in general. We wanted to share with you what we have learned about life, through our time working in the garden. We call it Life Lessons From The Garden. This is the first in those series of articles.

Flowers from the Garden / Photos by JTwisdom

I know what you are thinking. Why would I be working in the garden when it’s so hot and humid?
Ever since I was a little girl, I have spent many hours outside with my daddy, and now my hubby, taking care of our yard and the flowers. My mother would often have me outside trimming weeds, watering the plants or doing whatever she thought needed to be done. Through the years, what began as a chore has now blossomed into one of my passions, and brings me some of my greatest joys. I have grown to enjoy the time outside and I can truly say that it brings me peace. After a long day or week and needing some time to unwind and destress, I head outside to see what needs to be done. It lowers the blood pressure and the stress just melts away. Spending hours planting, watering, weeding and tending to the garden, and then seeing that flower show off its vibrant color or aromatic scent, the joy just builds up inside of me. I take breaks and drink plenty of water; but I still sweat. Coming inside to eat some delicious watermelon is always nice.

Getting my hands dirty in the garden.

The first lesson learned from our time in the garden — Find What Brings You Fun times.
For me, my number one Joy is Jesus, my LORD and SAVIOR! I can’t put anything before him, He makes it possible for me to enjoy my everyday life.
God gave me this passion for gardening.
It’s a lot of fun going to the gardening center with the hubby to purchase the flowers and plants.
For me, fun is deciding how to arrange them in the yard for the greatest display of color.
For me, fun is making sure to water, to weed an to manicure each day.
For me, fun is cutting a flower and bringing it in our home.
For me, fun is the flower’s aroma tickling my nose each time I get close it.

For you, what brings your fun times?
Maybe it is a walk in the park with your dog.
Maybe it is spending time with your family.
May it is reading a good book with a hot cup of tea.

It does not matter what it is. Once you experience that joy, you know you will want to keep it going. Take the time to find out where your joy comes from and be sure to do it as often as possible. When you have more joy in your heart, you become a happier person and being a happier person means you can enjoy more of what life has to offer.

Check back for more lessons learned from the garden. Until then, happy gardening! And be Joyful!

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