

Carman is raising funds for his new album through Kickstarter and is 90% complete.

I grew up listening to Carman’s music. This is wonderful to hear that he is planning to write new songs and record an album.

On Carman’s Facebook page he announced that he’s battling an illness. I am interceding for and I am believing for Carman’s complete healing.

Carman’s words on the Kickstarter Fundraising site page said,
“I’m so excited about this incredible opportunity we all have through “Kickstarter” to make something happen as a team and a family. Through this fundraiser for a new CD and Video project, we can finally have something big we can interact on, on a personal level. 8 weeks ago I was diagnosed with incurable Multiple Myeloma Cancer and given a 3-5 year window of time. It seemed like a death sentence but through Kickstarter God have turned it into a life sentence.”

Carman has given free concerts where thousands gave their lives to Jesus. He has ministered for years and I support him and his music.

My favorite videos from Carman

Carman’s witch invitation(First mini movie in Christian music)

Carman’s witch invitation with commentary(making of the video)

Satan Bite the Dust
Shows how we have to pray for ourselves everyday and stand against the enemy.

Addicted to Jesus (A2J)
Carman AND DCTalk

Boy, I would dance big time to this one.

Stand tall, Stand Strong!

Support Carman guys, he is too legit to quit!

To pledge funds towards the new album please go to this link. No amount is to small.
Kickstarter fundraiser: New Carman Album and Music Video





Carman’s Kickstarter fundraiser is so successful that the new album is over 100% funded and the goal time has not ended yet. Praise be to God!

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