Ciao Elegant and Graceful People,

Sunday was my Mother’s heavenly birthday, Father’s Day, and Juneteenth. It still hits me all at once because both of my parents are with the Lord. And we are celebrating Freedom.

My Mother’s Birthday
I honor my Mother and how she instilled knowledge and inspired me to be the person I am today. She was a woman of faith, and I thank her for sharing the love of my Lord and Savior with me. I remember her saying to me that I need to read my Bible. Now, whenever I turn a page in my Bible or listen to scripture on Youversion, I think of her. She protected me. I used not to understand why, but later realized it was the best thing for me. Was I overprotected? Yes, you thought I was in a bubble being the only child, but I understand why she did it. There were few role models out there, and she wanted the best for me. She didn’t care if another kid did something a certain way because if it was how she wanted it, I didn’t take any part in it. She picked my friends for me, which I didn’t have many. She decided who I would be around because she didn’t want me being around anyone she didn’t think had my best interest at heart. My Mother didn’t like taking photos, so this one below is of the very few. I don’t have a picture of my Mother and me together.

Father’s Day
I honor my Dad on Father’s Day. He also inspired me to be the person I am today; I know my parents loved me dearly. They did their best to give me a good upbringing, always telling me to put God first. My Dad would give me candy occasionally when I was little (my Mother was like a coach and did not want me to have sweets) and make me a hot cup of tea every night before bed. He was always there for me. He has a special place in my heart. He’s my Daddy. When he went to be with the Lord, it made me realize even more how good it is to have an earthly Daddy who has your best interest at heart, but also how precious it is to have God as my spiritual Daddy. I can reach out to my God whenever I need Him. I felt alone and lost when my earthly Dad went to be with the Lord, but I remember that I am never alone because God and Jesus Christ are always with me.


Juneteenth: A Celebration of Freedom

I wanted to share the message below from Pastor John Jester of Eagle Mountain International Church. He describes what true Fatherhood is and what Juneteenth means for every American, regardless of skin color.

I want to pray a special Father’s Day blessing over all fathers reading this post. I encourage you to seek God’s wisdom as your raise your children.
I also pray that everyone will look at Juneteenth and understand the significance of this day; and look at ways in which we can, as a nation, do an even better job of striving for racial harmony in our country.

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