Hello Beautiful People,
Hope you are having an awesome day!
Isn’t it all about a mindset? We can cater to our emotions and fears of what we are thinking about. Or we can rise above them and focus on more positive things. Often I think of my mother and the fact that she is no longer with us. Instead of focusing on the sadness that it could bring me, I think about the beautiful treasures of her effortless style. Whenever I get a chance to wear and talk about one of her pieces, I jumped at the chance.
My Mother’s Carpetbag
Patricia Nash Carpetbag sold on HSN
One of her treasures is the carpetbag shown in the photo above. Quite truthfully, I have no idea where she bought it or if someone gave it to her. She decorated the house with a few vintage items that she found at the GoodWill. It is possible that she bought the bag there, but it has no designer label or markings on it. Someone possibly could have made it for her from carpet remnants. Its origin remains a mystery.
A couple of years back, HSN featured a carpetbag to coincide with the release of the latest Mary Poppins movie. Patricia Nash designed a bag inspired by the movie and it quickly sold out. Seeing if I could find anywhere still available, I was able to track it down on eBay for $650 plus shipping. Wow! The Patricia Nash bag, shown below is more structured, while my mother’s bag is a free-form style. From the shoulder strap to the body of the bag, it is completely made from carpet. My current carpetbag crush is MadeofCarpet on Etsy. These amazing bags are made in the United Kingdom, and the bags ship free to the US. MaxCarpetbagworks is based out of Los Angeles and the bags are reasonably priced.
According to Wikipedia, Carpetbags were made from oriental rugs or from Brussels carpet, with “a heavy pile formed by uncut loops of wool on a linen warp”. The carpet was the chosen material because the remaining pieces were easily bought for its manufacture.” My recent YoutTube video show more details of the bag and I talk about my mother’s memories of the carpetbag.
It’s awesome to have great feelings of sweet memories through a piece that belonged to my mother. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Do you have a favorite memory of a loved one through a vintage piece that you still use today? Let me know in the comments below.