Not everyone considers the happiness of their dog, but they have feelings just like you or I. You can tell when they are happy as they wag their tails, and when something is wrong it tends to hang low. Your dog’s happiness is important if you want them to live a long and healthy life. Here is a collection of tips from experts on the best ways to ensure your dog is happy.

Vinny playing in the backyard

Play With Them
One thing all the experts agree on is that playing with them from when they are a young puppy is crucial. It will help them to learn social skills and will keep their mind alert. Playing can be fun for you too, and will certainly help you and your dog to bond.

Play can include water, as most breeds of dogs enjoy this. Splash through some puddles or get the hose out and have some water play with your dog.

The More Exercise The Better
The more exercise your dog has the healthier and happier they will be. If you lead a very busy life and they spend a few hours each day on their own, consider using a dog walking service to get over this problem. They will then get the exercise they need and you will have peace of mind in knowing the dog walker is experienced and can be trusted to take good care of your beloved pet.

Also, you need to remember that they may well need to use the toilet while you are out and using a dog walking service will give them the chance to do this as well.

Check Out The Local Vets
You need to check out the local vets and find one that you feel will be suitable. Visits to the vets can be traumatic, but if you take them for regular checkups they will get used to the vet and not feel quite so nervous.

Special Treats Only
Your pet should always be fed food they enjoy which at the same time has all the goodness they need. It might be tempting to give them scraps from the table or a biscuit that humans eat, but you are not doing them any favors in doing this.

In fact, there are some food humans eat that are positively bad for them. Onions and grapes and two typical examples of foods that could make your dog ill.

They should have treats sometimes, but they should be ones manufactured for dogs, as these will not have anything in that your dog should avoid. You should also make the treat something occasional, as it is too easy to overfeed a dog and then they will become unwell.

You should also make sure they always have plenty of fresh drinking water, as this is vital for keeping pets healthy and happy. Their coat will stay shiny too, and they should have access to fresh water at all times.

Making your dog happy will have its own rewards as no matter how bad your day has been they will greet you with love and affection.

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