My husband has this real nice sweater that needed mending so I decided to finally do it.  This was one of those honey dos that I need to get finished.

The hole was not that big; but I don’t want my hubby going out with holes in his clothes.

Let’s get started.

Green Lands End Sweater

First, we need a thread and a needle.

Green Thread

After I thread the needle, I begin to start sewing.

Make sure that if you are mending a sweater, you match the thread as close as possible to the sweater so the stitches are not noticeable.

I used a simple stitch, where I go up and under making sure that I catch the threads from the inside and not showing on the outside.

Simple stitch

To finish the stitch, I took the needle through a loop I made, secured it and clip the excess threads.

When I finished I asked my hubby to try it on. You can’t even see where the hole was located.

Finished garment

You cannot see the thread on the outside.

Thank you sweetie for modeling for me.

Hubby modeling sweater

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