Since the New Year has come around, everybody is hard at work trying to stick to their New Year’s resolutions. Whether it is going to the gym or eating healthier, a lot of people give up after a few weeks, and go back to their normal ways of living after admitting defeat. So, why not make a (late) resolution that is more reasonable, and decide to make your home the best that it can be this year? Think about it: it’s where you spend all of that family time, so it should be comfortable and warm. Here are some tips if you want to put the heart back into your home!

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Do all of the repairs that you can
Sometimes, what lets our beautiful homes down is that there are some repairs that we never quite got around to doing. You often think, ‘oh, I’ll do that next week’ but when next week comes around, you have better things to be doing (or so you think). However, neglecting one thing in your home could lead to you letting it deteriorate, and it should be safe and comfortable for the whole family. Make sure that you have trusted contacts for furniture repair, air conditioning repair, and structural repair, and you’ll be able to make this year perfect when it comes to creating a loving and safe home for all of your loved ones.

Have a clear out
Little do most of us realize, but the reason that our homes seem to be spaces that we don’t thoroughly enjoy is usually because we fill them with so much stuff. Especially if you’re a parent, you can find yourself keeping things for sentimental reasons, or just because your kids might want to use them in the future. Make this year the year of saying, ‘if I haven’t used it within the last three months, I am going to give it away to charity.’ Whilst this may seem like a harsh way to be when it comes to your things (you should keep the very sentimental items, of course) you will end up with a house full of junk if you don’t stay on top of it, and you could get money for selling some things.

Make sure that you cook and eat together a few times a week
There are many families across the world now who just don’t take the time to cook and eat together at all. This can make your home feel like it has lost its warmth, and it is so important to make sure that each day (if possible) you share what has happened with those that you love, across dinner. It is a real mistake to eat separately and neglect the role that food has within your relationships – family or otherwise – so make sure that you organise no phone meals, in order to make your home the heart of everything family. You’ll be glad that you did when you go into 2020 stronger than ever!

So, if you want to make sure that your home is (almost) perfect this year, try these simple tips!

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