If you’re a parent, then you know that the period between when your kids get home from school and when they go to bed can be…challenging, to say the least. You must ensure they’re doing their homework, eating a healthy snack, and not getting into too much trouble. But you also need to ensure they’re entertained enough that they’re not bored out of their minds! In this blog post, we’ll look at five things you can do when they’re back from school.

Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

Make Them a Snack
When your kids get home from school, they will be hungry. So instead of letting them rummage through the pantry and eat whatever they want, why not take a few minutes to have a snack prepared? You could go with a vanilla cake recipe with no butter or choose a bowl of fruit or some celery sticks with peanut butter that will tide them over until dinner. Plus, it’ll save you from hearing about how hungry they are later!

Get Them to do Their Homework
We know, we know. Getting your kids to do their homework is easier said than done. But if you set up a designated homework spot for them as soon as they get home and ensure their supplies are within reach, they’ll be more likely to sit down and finish it. And who knows? They might be happy knowing it’s done and can move on to activities they want to do.

Join an Afterschool Club
There are all sorts of afterschool clubs out there these days, from sports to arts and crafts clubs. Joining one (or several!) will give your kids something to look forward to every day after school and help them make new friends. It’ll also tire them out so that by the time you get home, they’ll be ready for a relaxing evening spent cuddling up with a good book or watching their favorite TV show.

Play a Sport
If your child is the athletic type, then signing them up for a sports team is a great way to keep them entertained after school. Not only will they love being part of a team and working towards a common goal, but they’ll also benefit from getting some exercise every day. Just make sure you’re there to cheer them on at their games!

Schedule Play Dates
Sometimes all your child needs are some quality time with their friends. Arranging play dates with other parents in your neighborhood is a great way to entertain your kids after school while giving yourself a well-deserved break! Plus, it’s always nice to know that your kid is in good hands.

And there you have it. By following these key tips, you can rest assured that your kids will be happy—and occupied—when they get home from school each day.

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