It’s easy to see why, for many people, Easter is the most enjoyable holiday of the year. After all, while Christmas can be nice, it’s also highly stressful — by the time January rolls around, many people are eager to get back to the usual routine. Plus, it can be expensive. Easter is different. It’s a lot more relaxed and, since it occurs during the Spring, allows families the chance to really enjoy some quality time together. With Easter on the horizon, we thought it’d be a good idea to put together some useful tips that’ll help you and your loved ones get the most from the holiday.

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Make a Plan
Sometimes fun things happen all on their own. But why take the chance? If you want to celebrate Easter to the max, then it’s recommended that you make a plan as soon as possible. This is especially true if you’re planning to enjoy the holiday with your extended family — they may have made alternative plans if you leave it too late to ask them. In reality, you can wait until closer to the date to come up with a detailed plan of what you’ll do, but in the early stages, make sure you’re letting people know!

Dive into the History
Easter is a quieter holiday with more free time, so be sure to make the most of it! There are plenty of ways to do this, but one of the most enjoyable ways is to dive into the history of Easter. As you might expect, there’s a lot to unpack. For example, have you ever wondered ‘is Easter a pagan holiday?’ The answer might not be what you think it is! As well as spending your time getting a deeper understanding of the holiday, you may also consider visiting a church service with your family, where you’ll learn about the deeper meaning of the holiday.

The Epic Dinner
For many people, the meal is the star of the show. It’s a time to come together and really spend some quality time with your loved ones. Plus, it’s just delicious. If you’re looking to take the traditional route, then look at making roast lamb with all the trimmings. You can also decorate the dining table with flowers, fancy napkins, and any touches of Easter that you can find.

Play Some Games
Time to have some fun! If you’re having an early meal, then you’ll have plenty of time after the food has been finished to engage in some fun activities. This will be all the more possible if the sun is shining, as we all hope it will during the spring season. Head into the yard for a fun Easter egg hunt or you can just play some classic yard games. The delightful spring weather is also the perfect time to get the camera out and conduct a photo shoot. After all, all your family members will be working their finest clothes, the sun will be shining, and the flowers will be out. Perfect!

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