Photo by Philip Ackermann from Pexels

We’ve all had the experience of starting a new workout routine, feeling incredibly positive about it, and then losing motivation and giving up before you ever actually see any kind of meaningful results. It’s an incredibly common thing for a lot of people to go through and it really comes down to one simple thing: exercise is hard. It’s hard and a lot of the time it isn’t all that fun either. Staying motivated in the face of that difficulty is rarely very easy. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can do. Here are just a few ways to keep up your workout motivation.

Set a goal
One of the things that causes a lot of people to get discouraged about their workout routine is that they can often feel like they’re running in place, and not just on the treadmill. Putting in a lot of effort without seeing any clear results can be discouraging. One of the best things that you can do to avoid this is to set a clearly defined goal. That way you have something concrete to work towards that you can hold onto. Nebulous goals like “get fitter” and “lose weight” are never going to allow you to keep a goal in mind when things start to get tough.

Keep a routine
Finding the time to actually work out isn’t always easy. After all, modern life can be seriously busy and it can often feel like you just don’t have room in your schedule. The best way around this is to keep a strict routine that you can fit around the rest of your life. Find a space in the week where you always have time free and use that. Not only does this make it easy to fit exercise into your life, but it helps you turn working out into a habit, which can be incredibly useful.

Join a group
A lot of people try to get fit on their own but that actually makes things a whole lot harder than they need to be. There’s nothing like the support of other people to really help you keep your motivation levels up. Working out with a friend or joining a class at a Fitness 19 gym can give you motivation far beyond what you can manage on your own. Not only that but doing something with people that you like almost always makes it a whole lot more fun than doing it alone.

The thing that you have to remember is that there simply is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to your workout. Nothing is going to take the hard work and difficulty out of exercise and trying to find ways to do that is just going to leave you frustrated. But at least with this advice, you can start to find ways to get past that wall that causes so many people to give up and reach a point where you’re really starting to see the benefits of your workout routine.

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