Hello, Elegant Lovelies,
My hair journey began when I looked for new products to help my it grow and for it to be in softer and in better condition. Early one, I found Ojon Restorative Treatment. I really believed that it helped get my hair stronger and more vibrant. My hair felt more moisturized and softer. I decided not too long ago to not use any more relaxers on my hair. I wanted to find more natural methods and products. One tub of Ojon cost $50 at the time. It was one of the most expensive products that I used, but it worked so it was worth it. One day I turned on the television and saw on QVC the founder and his wife on and her hair was beautiful. QVC had Ojon for a few years. The company was sold to Loreal then it went to Origins. Later it was not available anymore unless you saw it on Amazon or eBay for exorbitant prices. That was crazy.
Last year I saw the creator of Ojon on HSN selling a new line called Tweak-d. I saw Tweak-d shampoo and conditioner. And I saw a new version of the restorative treatment call Tweak-d Restore Ancient Rituals Rejuvenating Oil. I was excited and wanting to hear more.
More information about Tweak-d Restore Ancient Rejuvenating oil
*HSN site
What It Is: An intensive hair and body oil formulated to help moisturize dry hair and skin.
What It Does
- Helps to rejuvenate the look of dry skin and hair
- Helps to moisturize dry skin
- Can be mixed with your body creams, shampoos, conditioners and styling products for a boost of hydration
The ingredients on the back of the box

Tweak-d Restore Ancient Rituals Rejuvenating Oil is said to be Ojon taken up a notch. I purchased it when it was a Today’s Special on auto-delivery on Hisn.com. I used as a leave-in conditioner but you can also use it as a pre-treatment or body lotion.
Here’s a video below about the oil.

I’m a Tweakd user also. I love my results. Good hydration for hair and skin.
I totally agree.
I love tweak-d too. So glad the ojon founder came up with this line. I love tribal chocolate as a mask and Restore has given me shiny hair.
I have to try that tribal chocolate as a mask. The restore is great for shiny hair, conditioning, and it can be used as a body lotion.