Hello Beautiful People,

Today is Mothers Day and it’s suppose to be a special day, right?

Well, many people are celebrating and having fun with their mothers and families, however for many it can be a day that they can’t wait until it’s over.

My mother

JT's mother highschool graduation picture before going off to college

My mother’s highschool graduation picture before going off to college

My mother passed away almost 22 years ago. I know she is with the Lord in heaven, however I do miss her.  I see people enjoying the day, saying what they did with their mother or how they spent the holiday.  Am I jealous?  No, but it makes me think of how she and my Dad raised me.  I am not supposed to cry; but sometimes I do.

Happy Mothers Day! How many children do you have?
No birth children, my hubby and I have two fur babies that are very energetic and spoiled.  As I reflect when my husband and I got married right after the honeymoon, we realized that we would be taking care of my dad, there was no baby in the plan. I had no brothers or sisters to help with making sure meals were prepared or taking turns to go to doctors visits, etc. I am not asking for sympathy that’s just how it was.
My Daddy was priority and thank the Lord I have a husband who was there with me all the way when we were taking care of my Dad.

My Grandmother

My Grandmother and I

My Grandmother and I at Union Station

My Grandmother went to be with the Lord seventeen years ago. She’s an inspiration and worked hard to provide for her family.  She was there for me in many ways and a great role model.

My Aunt

My Aunt DJ, my mother’s sister is special to me and my husband. She lives out of town; but we are very close and if she needs me I am there for her.

I have 3 nieces and 3 nephews by marriage that I have seen grow up, graduate and do great things and that’s a blessing. Seeing them in our wedding and now they are working, married and with their own kids, going off to college and graduating from high school is pretty amazing.  They grow up so fast.  I am an only child so being an Aunt is special. I don’t get to see them as much because we don’t stay in the same town, but hubby and I make sure we keep in contact.
Make sure you celebrate Aunties Day on July 24, 2016!
This is a great saying from Melanie Notkin, Founder and Author of Savvy Auntie
“Babies are born from the womb.
Maternity is born from the soul.
There are many ways to mother.”

What’s so special about Mothers Day!
That I realized God is my mother and my father because both of my parents are with the Lord. Spending time with my heavenly Father and focusing on a relationship with him not just lip service soothes my soul.

 Psalms 23 (Message Bible)
A David Psalm

23 1-3 God, my shepherd!

    I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
    you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
    you let me catch my breath
    and send me in the right direction.

Even when the way goes through
    Death Valley,
I’m not afraid
    when you walk at my side.
Your trusty shepherd’s crook
    makes me feel secure.

You serve me a six-course dinner
    right in front of my enemies.
You revive my drooping head;
    my cup brims with blessing.

Your beauty and love chase after me
    every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
    for the rest of my life.

If Mothers Day is not such a great holiday for you and you can’t wait for Monday to come, I am praying that the Lord would comfort you and wrap his loving arms around you because you are his child.

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