Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers and Father Figures!

Happy Heavenly Father’s Day to my Daddy!

I love you, Daddy, and you inspire my life, and you are in my heart each day.

Fun Fact: In this picture the photographer asked my Daddy to put a penny in my shoe for luck at my wedding. Have you heard of that story? It was new to both of us.

JT and Daddy

Memories: My Daddy, my hubby and I, and my mother in love at our wedding at St. James the Greater Catholic Church.

I went to church with my hubby this Father’s Day and thanked my Lord for my Daddy. Hall of Fame St. Louis Rams football player Isaac Bruce was the guest speaker at church. You can watch the entire service with Bruce’s message here.

I honor my Daddy because he loved me and took care of me. This man of God would give me tea every night, and after he went to be with the Lord, my hubby took on the tradition. I am humbled and blessed.

God Is For You!

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