Happy Birthday Gio!
It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since our favorite beagle came running into our life. Back in November 2006; a runaway beagle had been rescued by a friend of a colleague from work. However, the friend and her family could not keep him because they already had three beagles of their own who didn’t like the new addition to their family. The friend was desperate to find a new home for him. She contacted her neighbors, her family and her friends, one of which was our colleague. Our colleague talked let us know that he was available because at the time, we wanted to have a second dog in the family. Not sure how it would go, we met the lady and her family and the beagle. But once we meet him, we knew we wanted to add him to our family.
On November 15, 2006; Giovanni David – “GIO” – came home with us. Needless to say, our life has never been the same since. Nor has it been quite either.

The many faces of Gio!
The early days with Gio were touch and go. He was a runaway dog from the streets that needed to learn how to love and how to be discipled. He could not be trusted in the house by himself. He would scratch up the walls, he would leave us presents in odd places and he would bark all the time. We recruited the help of a trainer to see what could be done. After she spent only 90 minutes with him, he was now staying in a crate when were gone, he stopped leaving the presents and he started to show us love. Through tough love and discipline, he is now a sweet and lovable; but still very loud beagle. And we would not have it any other way.
True to his beagle nature, Gio is called to the wild and wants to be outside any opportunity he can. No, he is not chasing rabbits, instead he is often in hot pursuit of the squirrels who call our backyard home. Gio is chasing them up the tree, across the yard and any which way he came. He is doing all he can to catch one of them. And I know with his determination that he just might do it.
If being outside is Gio’s number one love, then eating would be a close second. Gio is always ready for food. He often reminds us when it is time to eat. We see him looking at his Snoopy watch; getting ready for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And my goodness, don’t be a minute late from the regularly scheduled meal; he will let you know. He will bark at you, he will nudge you and will not leave you alone until you give him the food. He is also the King of Treats in the house. Once we finish our dinner, he is ready for his treats. It could be one of his biscuits, or it could be baby carrots (yes, carrots) or even nuts. Oh don’t forget the cheese. He loves him some cheese. It doesn’t matter the kind – hard cheese or shredded, Italian or Colby Jack. He will eat it all. He can hear the crinkling of the plastic wrapper in the refrigerator and he will come running.

Gio waiting for a treat (or two, or possibly even three or four).
Gio is a super-excited beagle and has a strong attitude at times. Okay, all the time. When we come home from work or church and we let him out of his crate; it is a barking fest until he gets outside and takes care of his business. He is also in hot pursuit of those squirrels to make sure they get out of his backyard. Then when we come back inside, he knows it is time to eat. And he won’t stop the barking until you give him the food. Sometimes I wonder who is in charge of this household.

Trying to get Gio to focus
Just as much as Gio loves to play hard and also sleeps hard too. When his squirrel chasing duties are done for the day; he will snuggle in bed, cover up in his blankets and snore l louder than any human that I know. It is also so sweet to know, when we go to the living room and read our Bible Chapter; GIo will come up there, laying on the carpet right next to us. And when we finish, he is ready to go back on his own bed.

Gio laying next to us while we are ready our daily Bible chapter.
Please join with me in wishing Gio a very happy birthday.