Photo Credit: Google image

I have a lot of goals, however my blogging goals is what I base for my mission in these questions.  I do not make New Year’s resolutions because it’s almost like I’m setting myself up to fail.  I hear so much about making resolutions to find that so many people do not follow up with them because they have already given up.  I have learned a lot during the last year and it’s been a journey.  The journey is still moving ahead; but this time I have a focus and direction.

I had to say that because blogging is not a competition for me. It’s a learning experience.  I know that if I get caught up in doing this post to try to get people to comment, or wearing this outfit to make people comment is not the real me.  Bubbling with Elegance and Grace was created because I love nice things and it has been a venue for me to show the world that everyone can have pretty things and you do not have to pay an arm and a leg for it.

I have quite a few readers who do not necessarily make comments. I am so wowed by that because someone is actually taking the time to read my blog.  I’m so blessed and I appreciate it very much.

1. Have you ever looked at someone’s blog and thought yours will never measure up?

I have looked at blogs and was completely wowed by the professionalism and the crispness; but the feeling was not I will never measure up.  My thoughts were in the form of questions like:

“How did they do that?”

“3,000 subscribers that’s amazing! How did they get that many people?”

“They write so well, they really connect with the reader.  How do I get that connection?”

Those kinds of questions entered my mind’s eye because I always want to learn and grow.  I am learning so much and it’s great to have a feeling of community and I’m not just out there by myself.

2. Do you (did you) feel pressure to meet some kind of undefined standard for fashion bloggers?

No pressure unless it’s pressure put on by myself.  And the number one pressure was I never have enough time.  Putting God first in my life, I  work with my husband on projects at church which require hours of practicing,  assignments needing to be done at work, piano, online classes and having a life outside of all those things. In 2011 I claim focus and direction.  Time is what you make it, you have what you say.  So I  have enough time and I am creating a calendar to schedule that time.

Feelings of quitting because I do not have enough comments because no one is really reading my posts because either I don’t feel popular enough, young enough or whatever the case may be.

I know that I can’t get caught up in that statement above because it defeats what I started the blog for in the first place which is a venue for me to showcase a God given talent of creativity and fashion sense. Quitters never win and winners never quit.

3. Many established fashion bloggers are also extraordinary DIYers, bakers, and crafty people. Do you think you need to combine all of these things to be successful at blogging?

I am crafty to begin with so I do quite a few of those things already. I recently wrote a post where I wore a skirt that I had made and I plan to do more of those kind of DIY posts.  I also cook with my husband so I include recipes on my blog as well.  I do these things because I am creative and it’s an enjoyment for me.  That’s great that the so called, “successful bloggers”  do all those things; but from my humble beginnings I know that I’m successful too.

I do not expect everyone to be crafty or a DIYer because we are all different.

Photo credit: Google Image

We each have our own road to travel so I can’t look over at you, because your road is completely different than mine.  My mother use to tell me that comparison is dangerous because God only made one me, I am an original and I can’t be copied.

4. The most successful blogs are the ones that have their own personal voice – how are you developing your voice or how did you find yours?

How am I  developing my voice?

Being real to my readers, I have to be true to myself.

I give reviews on items that I have purchased. I did not get any items for free and if I get items for free I make sure I disclose that.  And the item that’s free wouldn’t be treated any different if it wasn’t up to par.

Create posts, videos, on what I enjoy discussing whether it be hair, beauty products or fashion.

I will do a mental self-examination making sure I am focusing on the goals of my blog and not on another bloggers goals.  I don’t want to get side-tracked.

I have to add a verse that helps me so much.  (2 Corinthians 13:5-6) Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.
This works in every area of life.

To do a self examination make sure no TV or music is on.  Get a piece of paper and a pencil and write:

1. Have I achieved any goals for this month?

2. Do I feel my blog (or whatever goal you would like to include) is reflecting my mission?

3. Do I want to learn a new photo software or create better vlogs?

4. Is there anything I don’t like about my blog? If so, how would I go about changing it?

After you write this down take a look at it and access it to see what are your next steps.

To help me reach my goals I will continue doing this once a month.

5. Toot your own horn… what’s one thing you do that is unique to you

and your blog?

I think that my blog has a lot to offer because it’s more than just a blog, it’s a lifestyle. Bubbling with Elegance and Grace means that we should feel good about ourselves from the inside out.

To feel this way I have to put God first,  always growing in marriage because you get stronger as a couple through communication, eat right as much as I can and exercise.

On  a fashion note we have to feel good in our own skin no matter what shape or size we may be and feel great about what we wear when we walk and face the world everyday.  It’s so easy to get down and depressed and it’s time to change that and turn that frown upside down.

Oops! I named more than one thing, cut me some slack it’s my blog for heavens sake.

What gives your blog an edge?

I come from a long line of great fashion influencers, so it’s a great opportunity for me to share style tips and tricks of the trade.

My Grandmother

Also, I have studied fashion since I was in high school and I am taking courses in Fashion now.  I believe by sharing my knowledge and street sense gives me the edge  on my blog.

Great words of wisdom from my mother and grandmother is priceless. It’s such a gift to know that I can share that knowledge with the world.

Please check out Katy Rose at modlychic to see what other bloggers are saying on this topic.

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