Hello Elegant Readers,

I am thankful!

It’s Good Friday. The day when Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for me, for everyone. He didn’t have to do it; but he did and I am so glad.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

Roman soldiers put thorns on Jesus’ head and spit on Him and cast lots for His garments. Jesus could have called the heavenly angels to knock them out; but he did not.



God forgives us of our sins, even though he knew no sin.  I have to get over the condemnation because by repenting of my sins, it is forgotten and wiped away.  If a negative word comes out, I have to remember that He calls me His beloved. I am a King’s kid! My God is wonderful, marvelous, majestic, glorious, mighty, powerful and victorious!

We have to point to ourselves and say that Jesus did it for me. We have to personalize it because Jesus is not in this far cosmic atmospheric place, he is in our hearts. The key is to have a relationship with God.


God’s Amazing Grace!

At my church our Pastor is teaching on Amazing Grace that has really encouraged me to look deeper into God’s word to continue to develop and grow my relationship with God. None of us are perfect but we are forgiven.

Praise God!

"The symbol of grace we raise high like a banner. Like a flag waving in the air as a sign of surrender. Surrendering to...

Posted by Church On The Rock on Wednesday, 4 March 2015


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