I enjoy working out! After a long day, it is so nice to come home and put on my workout gear and dance. Yes, Dance! How can working out be dancing? But with ZUMBA!

I first started working out with Zumba last year and it has since become a regular part of my fitness routine. Working out with Zumba is never boring because there are so many different workouts in the program. You could have one for every day of the week.  One of my favorite workouts is the Zumba Exhilarate.  This workout is pumped from start to finish with heart-pounding cardio dance routines, featuring international rhythms and beats.

JT getting in to the moves


You can say to yourself, “Boy I gotta workout tonight!” However, as soon as you insert DVD and press play and the music starts, your mood will definitely change.  Zumba Exhilarate is so much fun that you will not even realize that you are burning some serious calories. See the sweat! Yes, sweat! That is no joke. It is fun; but it is most definitely a true workout.

Zumba Exhilarate is part of a six DVD set that I purchased from QVC. It is a 45 minute kick tush cardio explosion that works every body muscle.
Uno Dos  Tres!

I must say there are some detailed dance steps in this workout, like belly dancing. If you are not a dancer, take it slow and follow the instructions because there are instructions. If you don’t get the moves at first, push pause and go back over it again. Practice, Practice, Practice. Don’t give up!

Belly dancing tones, arms, hips, thighs and legs.

JT doing Belly Dancing Moves

If you love to dance and want to get a good workout at the same time, Zumba Exhilarate is an awesome routine to try.

This is a stomp, stomp, step to the side

Let the music move you and get up and dance. Zumba is an experience that makes you feel so good when your done that you can’t wait to do it again. I will review the other DVDs in future post because workouts are pretty cool.


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