This week’s Friend Friday from Katy Rose deals with the rights of bloggers and what protection they have for their content. If you would like to read what others are saying on this topic, please go to Katy’s page at

1. What are the ‘unwritten rules’ about copying content that we bloggers should all abide by?
I really like some things about this link I found. It is so plain about the rules but more research will be needed to make sure this is accurate information. In college plagiarism is taking someone’s content and calling it your own.  When it comes to blogging I don’t consider it any different.

The link, “12 Important U.S. Laws about Blogging,” states it so clearly of what you can and cannot do when blogging. After reading I will definitely incorporate some of the language in my copyright page in some context.

The link is below

2. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. But when is a post imitation and when is it copying?
Imitation: When I post a cranberry bread recipe and a blogger sees it and says that they want to do their favorite lasagna recipe on their blog.  They are getting inspired with an idea.

This is my first time I’m participating in Kendi Everyday 30 for 30 and I know I saw inspiration because I seen at least three bloggers wearing the same lace skirt from Target that Kendi had on in one of her outfit post.  There’s nothing wrong with that it just shows the influence  she has, it’s a really popular skirt or that a lot of people like that skirt.



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Copying: When a blogger sees my blog when I do a review on ELF cosmetics so they copy my photos and content and post on their blog as if it was their own and do not credit me at all.

I know a fellow Youtuber who prevented her videos from being embedded because people would post her videos on their blogs with no credit to her.  Now she asked if you would like to add her video to your blog or whatever that you email her first to let her know what you’re doing.  She says that she does this because of all the time that’s taken while creating her videos. Also, it’s her right to decide how she would like her videos distributed and people should respect that.

3. Taking another blogger’s idea (perhaps for an outfit, or DIY tutorial) is pretty common in the blogging world. Do you think it is necessary to credit the original source?
What’s original? My husband and I were talking and he made me think when he said that someone may see that idea from someone else who got if from someone else. So what’s original?
I think it’s your call, it’s a common courtesy if you want to credit your inspiration.  My hubby does have a point though.

4. How have you improved your blog by comparing it to other blogs? Have you made changes due to something you have seen others doing?
I look at design and color schemes.  I love patterns and such but I noticed that when I looked at other blogs  for inspiration, the look is clean and stylistic.  I am me so I couldn’t completely make my blog simple. I had to add my twist to it to make it my own. Again there’s only one me so I cannot try to imitate because that wouldn’t make me my unique self.  It took me a while to find my voice in this blog and it’s not trying to take a photo or write like someone else because I know that I have to be the best person for me.  Now I love good advice and enjoy looking at what other bloggers do however I am true to myself because if my blog is  a copy of what someone else would do why would they want to come to my blog?

It’s gotta be Me, Myself and I to make it unique.

5. Have you ever had one of your posts copied by another blogger or publication? How did you handle the situation?
I’ve blogged for about a year and a half so I haven’t had that happen to me.  I have seen people be inspired by something that I have written or something I’ve posted, but no one has taken my material. If someone would take my material or photos what would my legal options be?  First gander would be to face them and tell them that what they are doing is wrong. How would I go about doing this? Is this the wrong approach?
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