Greetings Elegant Readers!

Happy New Year! I can’t believe that 2015 is here already. Weren’t we just talking about 2014? I pray that 2015 will be the greatest year in your life.

For me, a good night’s rest is essential to having a good day. But in order for a good night’s rest to occur, you have a high-quality pillow.

The FORM-FIT Pillow was sent to Bubbling with Elegance and Grace for a review and we both were anxious to try it out.

My hubby and I each sleep with two pillows to get a comfort spot. It is interesting in seeing how much comfort and ergonomic relief the pillow would actually give for a good night’s sleep.

J & JT sleeping on Form-FIt Pillow_Fotor_Collage

J & T sleeping on the Form-FIt Pillow

The pillow unzips and inside is a what they call a unique flowable filling:

  • 100% Natural Buckwheat hulls mixed with soft foam
Buckwheat and foam filling

Buckwheat and foam filling

  • Light, comfortable,, shapeable, breathable, non allergenic
  • Natural tannins in hulls are anti-microbial and Dust mite resistant (this was awesome to me that this pillow is dust mite resistant)
  • Light and bulky, triple cleaned, dust-free hulls sourced from North American Farmers
  • Natural soybean oil-based foam, made in the USA

The pillow ships overstuffed and comes with a cup and bag for you to remove the filling to  customize it as you see fit.   The pillow fits any standard pillow case and is machine washable. The video below gives a brief overview of the Form-Fit pillow.

One benefit stands out is how the pillow gives me neck alignment and doesn’t deflate. Once I mold the pillow the way I want it stays that way all night long.

Form FIt Pillow

Form FIt Pillow

Another bonus is the easily understandable directions that are included in the packaging with the pillow that explain how to remove the filling, setting and adjusting the pillow, sleep posture and adjustment period.

It is great that this pillow can work for anyone. My hubby and I both tried the pillow and could immediately tell a difference with the way that our necks left. rr

There’s also a Limited Warranty for 10 years from date of purchase to be free from defects in material and workmanship.

The pillow retails for $60.00 and is worth every penny for a good-night’s sleep. A pillow is a personal commitment so I can only speak from my personal experience of how good I think this pillow really is.

 JTwisdom signature

*Bubbling With Elegance and Grace was blessed with the Form Fit Pillow to do a review and not compensated.
This is Bubbling With Elegance and Grace’s honest opinion.

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