Finding the perfect birthday gift for a child can be a daunting experience. There’s the chance they may not like it. Or the parents may not be happy with what you buy.

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See What’s Currently Trending
You can always play it safe and see what’s trending right now. Toy fads come and go. But some toys stay popular. And others are even becoming collective because they are so in demand. For example, LOL Surprise toys are highly prized by kids between 4 and 11 years old. You can check what’s trending with a simple Google search. Or you can check individual retailers who usually have a “What’s Hot” section on their online sales websites.

Ask the Child’s Parents
Of course, the easiest way to find a gift for a kid is to ask the parents. However, there are some risks with this. The parents may not want to put you on the spot because they don’t know how much you are willing to spend. Conversely, they may ask for something expensive that you aren’t willing to spend. Either way, however, you will get major kudos from the parents, and the kid will love you. But this can also help you get something the parents will approve of.

A Book is the Perfect Birthday Gift for a Child
Kids love toys. Of course, they do. But most kids also love reading, especially if it’s a child’s book focused on something they are interested in. For instance, if your nephew can’t get enough of Jurassic Park, then a big book of dinosaurs would make you the best aunt or uncle in the world. Then, of course, some children are above average reading age. Classics such as Roald Dahl’s books, Narnia books, and others are a safe bet.

Consider Sharing Toys
There are many types of toys. And not all are made for the individual and are best enjoyed by others. Board games are a perfect example. Today, video game versions such as for Nintendo Switch might be more appropriate. Then there are things like puzzles, sports games, and activity books. These are great gifts for kids with siblings, friends, and cousins who visit often. It also means they will learn to share and develop better social skills while having fun.

Make Sure a Gift is Age Appropriate
Toys are labeled with ages for a reason. Some toys are not appropriate for certain age ranges and may be dangerous. For example, an action figure for 8-year-olds isn’t the best thing for a toddler because of choking hazards. You also don’t want to get a toy too young for a child, either. And then, of course, there are age-rated products. You know, the ones. Many kids have gotten a copy of Grand Theft Auto V, even though it’s for 18+.

It can be tricky to find the perfect birthday gift for a child. But you can always try trending toys, a book of something they like, and try to make sure the gift is an appropriate age level too.

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