If you want to be happy in the long term, finding a career that you truly love is an absolute must. After all, we spend around 21 percent of our whole lives working and that is a lot of precious time to spend unhappy!

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With that in mind, if you are unhappy with your current career, let’s take a look at a few things you can do to find a career you really love and start enjoying your work once and for all:

Work out what you really want
Before you can pursue your dream career, you need to work out what it is. Thinking about the things you enjoy the most, whether it be fitness or helping people, is a good place to start, but taking a career aptitude test is often even more insightful, so be sure to do both on your quest.

Talk to people
Asking your friends and family what kinds of roles they think would suit you is often a really good way to work out what kinds of careers you might enjoy if you are struggling to work it out for yourself, Of course, not every suggestion will be welcome, but the more you know and the more opinions you have, the easier it will be to come to a decision.

Get some work experience
You might think you know what you want to do, but the realities of a job can often be far different than you might expect. That is why, if you can, it is a good idea to get some work experience in your chosen field, just so you can be totally sure that it is really what you want to do.

Get qualified
If you find that your dream career requires specific qualifications, you are going to want to research ways in which you can get those qualifications. These days, you can do everything from accounting degrees to 300 hr yoga training online, so it is often easier than you think to fit your existing commitments around studying for a new career that you really love.

Take the plunge
Many people stay their whole lives in careers they hate because they are too scared to take the plunge and go for it. If you do not want to be one of them, there comes a point when you just have to be brave and go for it even if you are not 100 percent sure. Chances are it will be fine, and if isn’t all you dreamed of, well there is nothing stopping you from pursuing other opportunities in the future.

Work hard
Once you have secured a job in your dream field, it is important that you work hard and keep learning so that you can keep progressing up the career ladder going forward.

Finding a career that you really love will take time, effort, and no small amount of introspection, but if you’re serious about making it happen, there is no reason why you cannot make your job dreams come true!

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