Happy Thanksgiving, Beautiful People!

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks  Image:Logos.com

Thanking my Lord and Savior for everlasting life. Thankful for being surrounded by my hubby and my family.

“I thank you from my heart, and I will never stop singing your praises, my Lord and my God.” Ps. 30:12 (CEV)

Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect back on what I am thankful for. Thank God each and everyday for health, family, abundance of prosperity, and much more.

What about creating a list?
It’s so good to sit down and make a list.  When you make of list of what you are thankful for, you can always go back to it for encouragement and even add more to it.

Thanksgiving is about the food, right?

No, it’s not just about the food. A lot is going on in America and the World right now, and we have so much on our prayer agendas to put before the Lord. I was searching for more information about the protest over the Dakota pipeline, and adding that on my prayer list. Praying for the Indian nation.

With today being Thanksgiving and thinking about the origins of the holiday, I remembered back to what I was taught in history class about the Pilgrims and the Indians. I didn’t know it was the Wampanoags nation, nor did I know much about these encounters. It is a shame that the history books then did not more provide the students with the full story. As a child I would read about that first thanksgiving and would watch cartoons during the holiday that depicted peace and unity.

However, I was not taught that the peace agreement between the Wampanoag nation and the Pilgrims did not last very long. On the Manataka American Indian Council website I read, “The Real Story of Thanksgiving,” the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag  nation turned from peace to hatred.  There was once peace but it didn’t even last 50 years. the The Pilgrims looked at the Wampanoag nation as teachers who taught them how to sustain the land they came to on the Mayflower, In contrast shortly after the peace agreement the relationship deteriorated in a downward spiral.

As a person of color researching her ancestry, I am disheartened because the story of Thanksgiving is not an entirely happy as some may have thought. Most of the time we only read one side of the story, but it is important that we take the time to read and study the whole story from all viewpoints.

I recently watched an American Experience (PBS) documentary about the Puritans. I don’t want to spoil it for you and give you all the highlights.However, I found it very interesting and thought-provoking. It made me want to learn more. The documentary is an hour and fifty four minutes so grab a cup of tea and let me know what you think afterwards.

Knowledge is power. Thanksgiving is not just another day.

A resource I plan to read:
“Invasion of American” by Francis Jennings on Amazon.com

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving and remember that if you are not with your loved ones or friends remember that Jesus loves you and you are special to Him and to us here at


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