Day 13 30 for 30

Day 13 30 for 30


Jacket – Susan Graver

Teal Turtleneck – B Moss

Jeans – Miss Tina

Trouser socks – Walmart

Shoes – Clarks Artisan

Bag – Santa Fé, NM Indian Boutique shop

Necklace – Joan Rivers

Malachite ring – Artisan crafted

Watch – Ecclissi

Copper & Brass cuff – Artisan crafted

This is a good outfit for me to do stuff at home, go to work or if I needed to go out and run some errands.  On the weekends I kick back and take it easy, I call it casual elegance.  Casual Elegance is looking good even though you are feeling oh so comfortable. I will keep saying that you don’t have to wear crocs or a sweat suit to be comfortable.

I often hear people say that it doesn’t matter what you wear it’s not that important.  I will yell a resounding yes it is important because it’s a first impression and looking good makes you feel more confident and secure about yourself.  I hold my head up high and shoulders back to exude confidence.

I know I’m going on about this but all it takes is a little effort and that can make you feel so good.

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