Oasis of the Seas

I am back home in Missouri resting from my fun-filled cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. Last week, my husband and I cruised for seven days on the Oasis of the Seas to the Bahamas, St. Thomas and St. Maarten. This was my first time on a cruise and the Oasis of the Seas was the way to do it. My hubby and I don’t do much relaxing when we vacation. We want to see what the city, town or country is like and we soak up as much of the culture as we can.  And that’s exactly what we did on this vacation.  We did so much that I will be doing “Cruising on the Oasis of the Seas” posts for the next few weeks because I want to share my memories on such a wonderful vacation I don’t know too many people who have went on cruises so this was a great experience.

When we left early Saturday morning (March 26th),  it was cold and ready for snow in Saint Louis. We dressed in layers because I knew it would be in the low 80s when we arrived to South Florida. We woke up at 4am and headed out the door by 5am. We dropped off our little guys, Gio and Vinny, at Happy Tails before our 8:25am flight. Happy Tails is a great place for our doggies because it’s a cageless kennel. The dogs run freely and play with the other doggies all day. Our little guys love it.

Vinny and Gio

Some members from our church (G2GCC) also went on the cruise. A few of them went on the same flight as we did, so it was nice to meet up with them at the airport.  The airplane was on schedule and we landed safely in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at noon.  For my birthday a couple years ago, my hubby bought me a really cute Cool Girl luggage set from Maxx New York, that is no longer available for purchase.

We got a great tip from a friend on a great price on extra luggage and it happened to come in colors so we picked purple because a lot of people have black luggage and it can be hard to tell them apart unless you have a way to identify your specific bag.

A good way to decipher darker or any color luggage is to tie colored scrunches or ribbon on the handles.

Packed and ready to go!


Stay tuned for more posts filled with exciting memories of our cruise of a lifetime.

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