Confessions Of A Prodigal Son

Confessions Of A Prodigal Son

Every time I am at church, my Pastor reminds me that God is for me! and God loves me!

This is a theme that is echoed in Confessions Of A Prodigal Son, a movie that my hubby and I had the opportunity for an exclusive pre-screening. The movie will be released on DVD on Tuesday (March 24, 2015).

The story of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15: 11-32, is told in this modern-day movie that is suitable for ages.

The son Sean (Nathan Clarkson) does not want to follow the guidance and direction of his parents (Kevin Sorbo and Laura Black). He believes that he knows what is best for him and leave home to attend college, in spite of his parent’s love. Does Sean have the right answers? Or will he find out that his way may not live up to his expectations?

While at college, Sean is in a struggle, a tug-of-war with his English professor (Darwin Harris) who questions Sean’s belief that no one should tell anyone what to do and people should make up their own rules. Sean’s so-called friend (Azel James) offers him no direction and is questioning his own life.

Sean becomes smitten with a dancer-in-waiting (Rachel Lee) who wishes that she had the type of life that Sean gave up and looking for that father-figure after her own father left home when she was only three.

After spending two years on his own, Sean appears to have his life figured out. But in a series of events, his life comes crashing down. He is forced to decide what he must do to make it work. How will he play out his own story?

Many times we can get frustrated when people tell us what to do; but these rules are in place to give our life order and foundation. The movie does an excellent job of showing how rules are necessary, especially from the perspective of young man. I recommend that parents watch this movie with their children, and then discuss the topics of independence, rules and God’s love.

Also, with the recent events happening at the University of Oklahoma and Penn State University, this movie also presents very timely topics that all parents will want to discuss with their children about making wise decisions relating to social media.

Confessions Of A Prodigal Son reminds us that God will never leave us nor forsake us, He is always there for us.

Please watch the trailer below:

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