4 Family Friendly Travel Ideas For The Winter

One of the most challenging aspects of arranging a getaway is deciding on something that everyone would like. While the adults would most likely want to unwind and relax, the kids will undoubtedly enjoy entertainment. This makes deciding where to go, when to go, what climate to go to, and how to get there complicated. Fortunately, we’ve put up a list of winter ideas that the entire family will enjoy, so you’ll have one less thing to worry about. Take a look:

Photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash 

Something is rewarding about pitching a tent, gathering firewood, and spending a few days at one with nature. Camping is a great holiday option for many reasons. Take a look at a few of them:

– Camping doesn’t have to imply that you’re miles away from facilities any longer, thanks to the proliferation of campgrounds that provide bathrooms, showers, and even a store where you can stock up on basics.
– The fresh air is beneficial to everyone, and it will undoubtedly improve your children’s sleep.
– It’s probably the cheapest type of vacation you can have because you’re still entirely self-sufficient.
– Camping is a beautiful opportunity to bring the family together to enjoy the basic pleasures of life, such as sitting beneath the stars in front of a warm fire.
– After you’ve bought your tent and other camping gear, you’re free to go camping whenever you want for even less than you paid the first time!
– Some campgrounds even provide a clubhouse and activities for the entire family.
– It’s a fantastic opportunity to teach your kids about nature and survival skills while still having fun and relaxing!

Don’t forget to pack all of the essentials like your ECOGEAR FX flashlight in your backpack for when you need it the most.

If you’re the type of family who prefers to be busy all of the time, an adventure break may be the ideal option for you. Why not go somewhere with a lot of woods and hiking trails so that you can all see new and intriguing places across the world? Or perhaps you’d instead go on a safari? Adventure vacations are fantastic for keeping everyone busy and occupied at all times, so give them a thought if that’s what you’re looking for!

Skiing is an excellent option if you want to stay active while on vacation and explore new activities. It’s also ideal for those who don’t get much snow where they live, as you may enjoy deep snowy mountains and log houses with open fireplaces. Most ski resorts also include a kid’s slope, so even if your kids are little, they’ll be able to accommodate them!

Finally, if you’re short on finances or can’t take off significant periods from work, try a staycation. For a few nights, travel to your nearest major city and see everything it has to offer. London, for example, can provide the London Eye, a multitude of restaurants, and a plethora of activities for youngsters! A staycation is still a vacation!


JT Travel Memories: Oh Sheep! What Is That?

Hello Beautiful People,

Working at home for the past seven months with limited opportunities to get out and go places has allowed my hubby and I spend some extra time looking through our photos and remember our travels of years past. When I see a photo from a favorite vacation place or a special dinner at a restaurant, I think, “My goodness these memories warm my heart, make me smile, and look forward to when we can travel again.” Together with my hubby, we will be sharing some favorite memories and offer some travel tips. We have been road-tripping for years, long before COVID made it cool and the preferred way. My hubby enjoys mapping out our journeys and even putting in some surprises.

So for today’s travel memories, let us head out west to Moab, Utah.

For our 17th wedding anniversary, Jay planned a trip to Colorado and Utah through the mountains and rock formations that paint the western landscape. We overnighted in Denver before experiencing the amazing views of the Colorado National Monument. We arrived in Moab for three days of hiking and off-roading adventures. On our actual anniversary date, we secured a Jeep tour that traveled through Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park. We will be sharing more about the time we spent in Moab, but for today we are focusing on our journey up Shafer Trail. Safer Canyon is located in the Island of the Skys area of Canyonlands National Park. To leave the canyon, you can drive on Shafer Trail. The road is not for the faint of heart or inexperienced driver. The photo before shows how steep and how narrow the road actually is. From this point, we still had to go further up to leave the canyon.

We were riding in a super modified Jeep Wrangler with our tour guide, Chip, and a couple from Arizona. They were touring America in an RV since they recently retired. I will never forget when I said people say it’s not that hot in Arizona because it’s a dry heat. The man, who I will call P, said that’s Bulls$$$t! He immediately apologized and said that’s not true. Actually, they were very nice. We spent the whole day with them and the tour guide and enjoyed our tour together.
Traveling up Shafer Trail was at the end of our tour. I guess you could call it the climax with twists and turns and not sure what to expect next. ln the Jeep, Jay sat in the front seat with Chip. I sat in the back with our companions. P sat on the left side where he could look out the window and down the canyon. Out of the blue, he said “Stop, I see a sheep!” We were surprised to hear that because sheep are not common in the Park. Chip quickly stopped the Jeep, allowing everyone a chance to get out for a closer look. On the side of the canyon, we saw a Desert Big Horn Sheep looking at us looking at him. His facial expression is saying, “Hi! How are you doing?”
Desert Big Horn Sheep

Here is a close up of another one eating grass. Jay slowly walked closer and was able to get an excellent up-close photo. We think that they may have been a couple.

Being in awe that we had already seen two big horn sheep, we searched up and down the canyon wall and along the rocks to see if we could spot any more. And there near the base of the canyon, we spotted three younger sheep standing together.
We stayed around for a while to observe our new friends. We believe that they could have been a family and lived close by. After continuing our journey up Shafer Trail and making it back to the visitor’s center, we shared our experience with the park rangers. They were surprised that we had seen so many of them because they are quite rare in the park. Observing them in their natural environment made me feel like I was a park ranger.

If you have a similar experience while on vacation, please let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear your story.

What You Can Do With A Spare Weekend

The weekend is a special time. The holidays are coming up very soon, and you’re going to want to focus most of your attention on your Christmas and New Years plans, but there’s also a good chance you’ve got some free weekends on your hands for the next month or so. Have you got any ideas for what you can do with them? Maybe you just want some downtime, to spend at home or on the sofa. Moments like these are rare, after all!

If you’ve got some spare time coming up, and you don’t have any plans or immediate concerns to fill up the time with, then why not use some of the ideas below? If you’re someone who tends to get easily bored, or you’re looking to sprinkle a little more productivity into your life, why not start right now?

Make yourself a good cup of coffee and get working! (Unsplash)

Pick Up a New Hobby/Skill
Hobbies are what keep us quiet and happy when we have nothing else to get on with, and they’re a good way to unwind and excel in fields of our own choosing. Maybe work’s gotten to you, maybe you’re just a bit bored, why not pick up a new skill whilst you have fun?

Learn a new language, learn how to play an instrument, learn how to knit and put a sweater of your own creation together – those are some of the best skills to get to grips with, but the list goes on and on!

Make Yourself a Bit More Money
You’ve got about 48 hours to spare right now, why not turn your mind to the financial freedoms you could lay on yourself? Not to mention, you don’t have to do any kind of traditional work here – there’s plenty of ways to make money in your spare time, especially if you have an internet connection! So if you’re looking into how to make cash fast, you can do so right now with a quick Google search!

Try Out a Bit of Hiking
Hiking is something we should all try to do more of, seeing as walking is the most beneficial exercise your legs can go through. It works all the muscles in your legs, and when you’re headed uphill at a brisk pace, it’s the one movement out there that works best to reduce any cellulite you might be a little insecure about!

Not to mention, the more you can get outside, the better you’re going to look and feel. You’ll be more exposed to the sun, soaking up plenty of Vitamin D and producing plenty of serotonin, and you might just get a lovely glow to your skin at the same time! Take your camera with you and snap some wonderful shots of the scenery, and get some Insta worthy shots of you celebrating nature and your position in it.

A spare weekend is wonderful for spending some time on yourself and your own prospects, so enjoy yourself!

The Top Benefits of Having a Green Card

It is the desire of millions across the globe to become citizens of the Land of Opportunities – The United States of America. There are various through which citizens of other countries can do this and the most common and probably the one that attracts the masses is through the Green Card Lottery.

Every year, the US Immigration department allows people to make applications which will then be taken through very tough scrutiny to determine who will be given citizenship and who will be denied the opportunity. Since just a limited number of slots is ever available, and millions of people around scamper for them, being considered and getting the Green Card is usually a huge achievement for many people.

It is never easy, but getting it will make a whole lot of a difference due to the various benefits it comes with. Here is a brief look at some of the benefits and why so many people dream of being successful with their applications-:

Sponsor your immediate relatives to the United States
Who wouldn’t want their wife and kids to join them in the United States? With the green card lottery program, successful applicants now have a chance to sponsor their immediate family members to the United States. But don’t think that getting the green card will now be a free path for every member of your immediate family. According to the US Immigration department, only a parent, spouse or unmarried children under the age of 21 qualify as immediate family members. For extended family members, you can’t sponsor them directly under this provision, but you can use the Preferred Family category to help them come to the United States.

Get a quality education for less
It is a fact that the United States has some of the best universities in the world and the programs they offer are some of the best in the world. It is because of this reason that we see so many people apply for scholarships to the United States and scamper towards any opportunity that can allow them the pleasure of attending some of the top learning institutions in the world. With the Green Card Lottery program, successful applicants now have a chance to get a quality education for less, and in most cases, at lower rates than what they would have spent to get similar quality of education in other countries or in their home countries.

The reason for this is because most of the vocational schools, colleges, and universities in the United States consider Green Card holders as in-state residents who will be charged slightly lower fees considered to out-of-state or international students who might sometimes pay up to 50% more than the in-state students. This means that if you were to go the United States as an international student on further studies, you will pay more than someone from the same country as yours, but who in the country courtesy of the Green Card.

Take part in the country’s politics
America is considered as the father of democracy in the world, and so many countries have adopted their systems of governance for their own. It is natural and an appropriate thing to get concerned with the politics of the place or country you live in, and with the Green Card, you may take part in the local politics in certain ways. Though only natural born citizens are allowed to cast votes for the various electoral posts, as an immigrant, you can contribute to the local politics in any other way, including channeling contributions to your preferred candidate or political party. This is one way of having your voice heard and taking part in the governance process which will always affect you in a number of ways.

Easily get in and out of the country without hassle-free
With the recent changes in the immigration laws and the terror threats the United States keep receiving on a daily basis, getting in and out of the country is extremely difficult unless you are a citizen. But things get a little bit easier for Green Card holders who in a way are now considered as citizens of the United States.

Green Card holders are permanent residents of the United States and so they will not be treated like foreign students or holders of temporary visa. This is perhaps one of the greatest attractions of the Green Card lottery since millions of people from all countries and from all walks of life desire to have the ability to get in and out the country as they wish. There are so many benefits that come with this privilege.

You qualify for social security benefits
The social security system in first world countries like Canada and the United States is very good, and this brings a lot of confidence to the elderly in the society because they know that their welfare will be well taken care of. It is pleasing to note that Green Card holders also qualify for such benefits mainly because they are considered as permanent residents of the United States.

For example, if you are a Green Card holder and you have lived and worked in the country for a period of ten years, you are eligible to claim your retirement benefits, and any other benefit that natural US citizen is entitled to. Canada also has almost a similar system, and this is one of the reasons why those who miss out on the Green Card are normally interested in how to get to Canada, even if it is through Canada eta. You can found out more about getting Canada visa here.

Better career prospects
There are a plethora of career opportunities available to Green Card holders compared to non-foreign immigrants, and this is without a doubt one of the greatest allures into the countries. There are so many opportunities available in the United States, and accessing them can be a bit of a problem if you are not a citizen. Just like most countries in the world, the United States wants their own to get best, and so you could become a beneficiary by becoming one of their own, and this is possible by winning the Green Card Lottery.


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First Timers: How to Choose the Perfect Cruise

Cruising in the current times is more than just hopping from one island to another as you marvel at the beauty of the Caribbean. Current cruise ships offer world-class experiences, including fine dining, spas, and water coasters all on one ship, making it a wholesome and more fulfilling experience than what it used to be a while back. Gone are the days when going on a cruise vacation was a preserve of the old and retirees who were looking for a better way to spend their time after years and years of working. Currently, anyone can embark on a cruise, provided that you have the cash and the time to go about exploring the world.

But with so many cruises available, it is imperative to choose wisely since there are no guarantees that every cruise will suit your needs. If this is going to be your first time going on a cruise, then here are a few tips to consider if you want to end up in the perfect cruise-:

The destination
The first step towards finding yourself on the perfect cruise ship is to know where you would like to go then choose cruises in that direction. It would ridiculous for you to go for expedited passport renewal then book just any cruise that comes into your mind. It will not just be a waste of your time, but also you may not end up getting the experience you had hoped for in the first place.

The Caribbean happens to be one of the most popular destinations for cruises, and it is one of the destinations you can potentially consider for your cruise. If you are traveling as a couple, family or just solo, you are bound to get lots of thrills in almost all the Caribbean destinations, though there are others you can still potentially consider such as Australia, Europe, South America and even Africa. But before you embark on the booking process, be sure to have a definite destination in mind as this will make it easy for you to make your choices.

When to go for the cruise

Planning when to go for the cruise is equally important as choosing the specific cruise to go for. To the majority, the best time to go for vacations is when schools have closed and this is usually around summer time or during the winter breaks. If you would want to time your cruise in this manner, then just check the calendars to ensure that the weather will be perfect at that time. You should also check with the cruise line and ask for recommendations since they are well placed to give you a more solid advice on the best time to take the cruise, based on your destination.

Choosing the right cabin

Cruise ships have different types of cabins and all these are suited for different kinds of vacationers. If you are the kind of person who will prefer to spend most of the time on the cruise just resting and relaxing inside the ship, or maybe watching movies and reading, then it will be a good idea to go for a large cabin with most of the amenities you need.

But if you think that you will be spending most of your time outdoors and going lots of excursions, then all you will need is a relatively smaller cabin which will also save you a lot of money. Again, if you are a sociable person who loves engaging others in conversations and making new friends, then a larger cabin would do, but if you are the reserved kind who prefers to spend time indoors, then there would be no need to go for a bigger cabin with lots of people.

Who will be going with?
The other consideration you will have to make the cruise is who you will be tagging along, as this will have an effect on other aspects of the trip. Are you going with the entire family, with your spouse or with a group of friends? Depending on who you are going with, you will be able to choose just the right kind of cruise that offers experiences tailored to meet the needs of those kinds of people. For example, if you are traveling with the whole family, then you can opt for family-friendly cruises, but if you are traveling with your spouse, then you can also opt for those cruises designed to give you a magical romantic experience.

The size of the cruise ship

The size of the cruise ship matters due to a number of reasons. The size will determine the kinds of amenities as well as the things you can do or not do during the cruise. It implies that the bigger the ship, the more amenities it will have and the more options you will have for fun. But as you consider the size, you should also consider the specific things you intend to do while on board. For example, what are the kinds of entertainment options you will be interested in, will you need water features such as swimming pools, and if you are traveling with kids, are the available amenities suited for the needs of the kids? All these you must know since they will have a direct impact on whether or not you get the experience you had desired.

Getting the most value

Finally, it is imperative that you get the most value from whichever cruise you go for. Once you are done with expedited passport renewal, take your time and go through all the options you have, reading reviews about them so that before you make the booking, you will have a clear idea of what awaits you ahead. It is also important to ensure that you don’t spend a fortune for the cruise since they are many and a good number of them would be happy to entice you with very nice discounts, especially if it is your first time. Therefore, take your time to research and find the right cruise that will give you the most value for your money.

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Interestingly Romantic Ways To Spend Valentines

What do you know, looks like it’s that time of year again! Love is in the air, roses are everywhere because Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time of year to celebrate and appreciate the person you love but if you’re a bit last minute, you may want to plan early.

You might have had several Valentine’s Days before this one or it might be your first as a couple, either way you’re going to want to do something special. You may want to go all out with a helicopter ride tour of the city or do something cosy like chick-flicks and dinner at home. Whichever person you are and whatever your budget, there are special things you can do this Valentines.

Discover some unique Valentines date ideas so by the time the 14th comes, you are ready to surprise your loved one.

 Pick their favourite romantic movies
There’s no time quite like Valentine’s Day to watch chick flicks and order take-out. Pop open the red wine and snuggle up together for this special evening. It’s lower key but can still feel special with small finishing touches.

Go back to your first date
If you want to do something different this year, why not try recreating your first date. As far as unique ideas go, it can’t get more personal than this. Depending on how long you have been together, it may require you going back a bit. The effort you make though will be well worth it when you see the look on your loved one’s face.

Go camping in a quiet spot surrounded by nature
Valentine weekend can also be a good excuse to explore and get away from the normal nine to five. Breaking routine and doing something spontaneous can be so romantic in itself. So why not choose to surprise your partner with this unique gift and take them somewhere you know they’ll love.

Do something action-packed
This can certainly be a little different but it’s good to mix things up every once in a while. Something like going to a shooting range for the day, quad biking or paint balling will be a fun way to celebrate this year.

Drive around the city and check out new spots
Simple enough but may require a bit of planning on the map, this is a lovely idea that enables you to experience new things together. Check out quirky cafes or museums you might have missed on your excursion.

Ice skating
Don’t you just love it when you see couples go by holding hands and giggling on the ice rink? It’s a beautiful way to spend Valentines and do something you wouldn’t usually do.

Enjoy sunset together
Grab some chocolates, wine and maybe a picnic then choose a romantic spot on a hill somewhere.  Staring at the sunset together can offer a beautiful moment and be something simple yet meaningful.

Choosing one of these unique ideas will set your Valentine’s Day off to a great start. So, keep things sweet and enjoy the time you spend with your loved one this Valentine’s Day.

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